IAA Young Professionals launches YP Talks, a series of global events with top international speakers, designed and implemented by the YP chapters around the world

IAA Young Professionals launches YP Talks, a series of global events with top international speakers, designed and implemented by the YP chapters around the world

The 1st edition of YP Talks - a glimpse of the 2022 trends in MarComs.

IAA Young Professionals, the IAA International Program of Young Professionals in the marketing and communication industry, is launching the YP Talks on the 7th of February 2022, starting at 07:00 AM EST, with an event dedicated to 2022 trends in MarComs.

YP Talks is a series of global events meant to focus on a hot topic that is worth debating from different perspectives within the MarCom industry by top international speakers. Each edition will be designed and implemented by a different YP Chapter covering in this manner a large variety of themes and approaches.

“YP Talks is a platform that seeks to facilitate conversations and shared learnings among upwardly mobile professionals who are determined to be tomorrow’s game-changers. Whether your objective is to learn or be a thought-leader in the ever-revolving marketing and communication space, you can’t afford to miss this.”, declared Joel E. Nettey World President & Chairman at International Advertising Association.

This first edition of YP talks will be an online event powered by IAA YP Romania, that will cover the 2022 trends in the MarCom industry. It will be easily accessed and watched on the Facebook page of the Romanian YP chapter.

This is the 1st international initiative that highlights the professionalism and the resources that IAA YP chapters have access to, stressing the benefits of collaboration, knowledge sharing and continuous development.

IAA has a lot of active YP chapters around the world that contribute nationally through their initiatives at the development of students and young professionals in the MarCom industry. With YP Talks we will bring this contribution to an international level, by offering free access to a series of events designed and implemented by YP chapters, even in countries where we don’t run a YP chapter. 

The YP Talks will bring to the public’s attention current topics in the MarCom industry, to encourage debates, transfer of knowledge from top specialists and to follow the main trends in the field, all of this with a friendly and curious tone.

Congratulations to IAA YP Romania for designing the 1st edition of YP Talks and good luck to IAA YP Serbia in organizing the next edition in April.”, declared Iulia Niculae-Cuciurean Young Professional Global Vice President at International Advertising Association.

Students and specialists in marketing, advertising and communication will have the opportunity to ask questions to some of the most prominent names within the MarCom industry.

The speakers at this event are Sassan Saeidi, Global Client Lead- Nestle Wunderman Thompson Global, George Carey-Simos, Co-Founder and COO of We are Social Media, and Alexandru Victoriu, Partnerships Manager TikTok Central Europe.

During the event, each guest will have 20 minutes for presenting, and a 5 minutes Q&A session will follow the presentation.

The event will be transmitted live on Facebook. This will allow the event to reach as many people passionate about MarCom as possible, both on a local and as well as global level.

If you want to be informed with the latest updates about the event agenda, learn more about the guests or be part of the ever-growing marketing community, you can also join the virtual events created on both Facebook and Linkedin.

IAA’s Young Professionals, an extension of the IAA exists solely to enable qualified young professionals and those interested in entering the industry to get a firm foothold in the industry via learning and development programs and networking events to teach, guide and mentor them on their journey.

Via local IAA Young Professional chapters, members can form unique relationships with peers as well as learn and be mentored by senior IAA members. Every chapter holds ongoing events throughout the year that include chances to engage with senior leaders, work with their peers in “real-world” scenarios and via networking events to meet the people that will grow alongside them throughout their careers. The common factor that unites everyone is the love and passion for the marketing communications industry. With 1,000 Young Professional IAA members worldwide and chapters in 12 countries, you can kickstart your career today with IAA Young Professionals.

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