Venind din cateodata-insoritul-cateodata-innoratul Amsterdam, si originara din UK, Wendy Richardson (72andSunny Amsterdam) poate adauga si Romania pe lista destinatiilor bifate in interes "serviciu". A fost unul dintre juratii festivalului international de creativitate Premiile FIBRA, care au evaluat peste 700 de campanii intr-un maraton de doua zile, cu o sumedenie de dezbateri distractive in decursul lor. Trecand prin acest proces-fulger, Wendy spune ca apreciaza modul in care romanii inteleg campaniile integrate, in timp ce la partea de design a ad-urilor n-a intalnit prea multe varfuri in termeni de concetp. La final, sfatuieste simplu "la mai multe".
Coming from sometimes-sunny-sometimes-rainy Amsterdam, and originally from the UK, Wendy Richardson (72andSunny Amsterdam) can put Romania to her list of 'work' destinations. She was one of the jurors of the international creativity festival FIBRA Awards who judged over 700 ads in a marathon of two days, with a lot of fun debates over the course of them. Following this lightning-process, Wendy says she appreciates the way Romanian creatives understand Integrated, while finding the design side of ads being a bit of lacking in the conceptual department. In the end, she advises simply to "do more" work.