[#FIBRAjury] Robert Nagy (HEAVY): "Design can be treated as a communication tool - and it should be"

Aflat la primul contact cu creativitatea romaneasca, Robert Nagy (HEAVY) a fost impresionat de lucrarile categoriei Creative Use of Media, iar per total fiind surprins placut de ideile in jurul carora se construieste publicitatea romaneasca. Fiind un designer premiat international, Robert pune accentul pe faptul ca designul nu trebuie privit ca o simpla chestiune de estetica. "Trebuie sa tratati designul cu aceleasi abordari creative pe care le acordati altor categorii", pentru ca deisngul in sine poate spune povesti. Video-ul de mai sus cuprinde si un cameo neasteptat al presedintelui juriului Kevin Brady (Droga5), sincronizat perfect cu momentul in care Robert descrie chimia juratilor FIBRA :)


Upon his first contact with Romanian creativity, Robert Nagy (HEAVY) thought its use of media to be especially inspiring, while overall being pleasantly surprised by the ideas Romanian advertising builds itself around. Being an award-winning designer, Robert emphasizes that design shouldn't be thought of as simple aesthetics. "You have to treat design to the same creative approach as other categories", because design in itself can tell stories. The above video features an unexpected cameo by Jury President Kevin Brady (Droga5), perfectly timed to when Robert talks about the coming together of the FIBRA jurors :)




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