[#FIBRAjury] Kevin Brady (Droga5 New York): "The work felt global in a lot of ways"

Am complotat sa lansam un concurs ca niciun altul si l-am numit Droga vs. Bogusky. Voiam sa provocam lumea creativa la vot, la o alegere intre doi maestri ai publicitatii, cu stiluri si abordari diferite in comunicare, dar la fel de exceptionali. Ce absurd, veti spune. Complet de acord. Asta nu putea fi vreodata un meci adevarat; si nici n-am avut vreo intentie serioasa de a tine scorul. Ce voiam noi era sa le atragem nu doar atentia acestor creativi mareti, ci si abilitatile de jurizare. Si asta am facut. Am adus in Romania experienta si spiritul creativ al Droga5, la prima editie a Premiilor FIBRA, pentru a da o runda de feedback publicitarilor romani. Iat-o. Kevin Brady (Executive Creative Director la Droga5 New York, presedintele juriului FIBRA si fost lider de trupa new wave), dupa doua zile petrecute in imediata apropiere a creativitatii romanesti.


We devised a competition like no other and called it Droga vs. Bogusky. We wanted to challenge the creative world to choose just one among two masters of advertising, with different styles and different approaches to communication, but equally exceptional. What absurdity, you'll say. We wholeheartedly agree. This could never be a real match; and it wasn't really our intention to hold the score. We wanted to not only get these great guys' attention, but their jurying abilities. And so we did. We got the Droga5 creative spirit and experience to come to the first edition of FIBRA Awards and give Romanian ad people a round of feedback. Here it is. Kevin Brady (Executive Creative Director at Droga5 New York, president of the FIBRA Awards jury, and ex- new wave band leader), after two long days of getting up close and personal with Romanian creativity.




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