How to make money from content without annoying your audience

How to make money from content without annoying your audience

Monetization. The one word that, even in 2021, sends shivers down the spine of online publishers. In the brief virtual history of content, the path to monetization continues to be secluded by secret pathways. Publishers test new formulas and business models each year, as the ad delivery technology diversifies. The Vidverto platform offers a new solution: monetization through in-stream video content. In 2021 online traffic is generated by video content, just as predicted. To keep up with the video avalanche, Vidverto offers an in-stream video platform, including content from various categories and areas of interest, that supports the demand of native video.


New video monetization for publishers

We learned how to make new friends on the internet, how to argue and then come to peace, to talk about important topics and laugh at cats, to be ridiculous and important, to each have our moments of fame, at least for 15 seconds. But we still haven't learned how to make money. Even though every day we receive emails with offers that seem impossible to ignore about becoming masters of getting rich.

Monetization is a complicated process that online publishers are testing still, and which, even after years of attempts and explorations, is still at a trial and error level.

Creators of the  Vidverto platform are trying to help with that by suggesting a new concept: a synergy between publisher, video content and a video ad delivery system that helps media owners generate in-stream ads on their site content.


"We want to change the way online content meets the technology of video ads. Our platform opens up the possibility of working with instant monetization, on each site page, as well as new pools of videos for advertisers and new audiences", as mentioned by Vidverto representatives.



Video integrated in the site content

Outstream video ads are not native to the site content, they are not safe for most known brands and are rather risky for publishers, as they diminish content quality for users. Vidverto offers a new solution of in-stream video ads.


Vidverto offers a solution-code with three essential elements:
The player, video ad monetization, legal video content


The platform owns a library of over 10,000 recommended videos for publishers. Video content comes from content creators working with Vidverto and includes all legal rights for commercial use. 

The platform also has an animation studio that creates special videos. For certain requirements, Vidverto can create special video content, based on publishers' requirements. The in-stream ad delivery technology can also be used in publishers' videos.

Once publishers sign up with Vidverto, they have access to an account from where they can view their profile, the status of their payments, detailed statistics and data, at any point in time. The delay between real data and displayed data is only one hour.

Vidverto's solution for in-stream video monetization is simple: publishers can place a native video player on their site's pages, thus integrating video content and generating new video stocks for advertisers.

Regardless of the size of interested publishers, Vidverto expands monetization capacity, opening up new doors to the premium advertising market.

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