Avem shortlistul Premiilor FIBRA #2 si nu-l tinem doar pentru noi

Avem shortlistul Premiilor FIBRA #2 si nu-l tinem doar pentru noi

In urma procesului de jurizare a celor 332 de inscrieri, organizate in 14 categorii si 42 de subcategorii ale competitiei FIBRA #2, juriul a selectat shortlistul competitiei. La aceasta editie a Premiilor FIBRA, 45 de agentii si companii din marcomm au inscris proiecte desfasurate pentru peste 90 de branduri.

Au evaluat proiectele inscrise Casey Bird (Freelance Creative Writer & President, She Says London), Aitor Borras (Associate Creative Director, apple tree communications), Soomean Chang (Freelance Creative Director), Till Eckel (Executive Creative Director & Managing Director, Jung von Matt Berlin), Howard Finkelstein (Senior Copywriter, Wieden+Kennedy New York), Levan Lepsveridze (Chief Creative Officer & Co-founder, Leavingstone) si Jussi Pekkala (Creative/Copywriter, hasan & partners), prezidati de Casey Rand (Group Creative Director, Droga5).

Castigatorii vor fi anuntati in cadrul galei de premiere FIBRA - de vineri, 17 noiembrie - incepand cu ora 19.30 la Hotel Caro. Programul complet al evenimentului se afla aici.




>> 1.1. TV/ Cinema:

What Is A Window? / QFORT / Next Advertising
Real Courage / FIBRA Awards / GMP Advertising
A little Help / BRD Societe Generale / FCB
Christmas Bucket / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania
In Roaming, Like at Home / VODAFONE / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 1.2. Online: -

>> 1.3. Viral:

Grolsch Awake Experiment / Grolsch / Kubis Interactive
#Bebebine / OLX / Saatchi&Saatchi + The Geeks
Poluaria - The Hat that fights against skin pollution / Elixir Jeunesse / TUIO

>> 1.4. Branded Content & Entertainment:

Grolsch Awake Experiment / Grolsch / Kubis Interactive
Grand Valentine's Stories / Grand Cinema & More / Jazz
Live. From a Different World / VODAFONE / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Romania's Next Big Vlogger / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 1.5. Other Screens & Events: -



The "cough-it-up" Collection / Prisaca Transilvania / FCB
Go Mono / Radio 21 / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Play It Safe / Virgin Radio / McCann Worldgroup Romania



>> 3.1. Press:

Delivering emotions / FAN Courier / The Marks
The Next Great Artists / Showcase of Young Talent / Rusu+Bortun

>> 3.2. Indoor & In-store:

The Next Great Artists / Showcase of Young Talent / Rusu+Bortun

>> 3.3. Publications and Brand Collateral: -

>> 3.4. Packaging:

Veggie Heroes / Mega Image / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 3.5. Brand identity: -



>> 4.1. Best Art Direction:

Veggie Heroes / Mega Image / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 4.2. Best Illustration:

An ordinary day / FAN Courier / The Marks
Psycho / Apollo111 / Rusu+Bortun
The Pulverised / Apollo111 / Rusu+Bortun

>> 4.3. Best Copywriting: -

>> 4.4. Film Craft:

The Brewer's Secret / Timisoreana Nepasteurizata / GMP Advertising
Zizin 1 liter / Zizin / MullenLowe Romania
An ordinary day / FAN Courier / The Marks
#Bebebine / OLX / Saatchi&Saatchi + The Geeks
Christmas Bucket / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 4.5. Sound Design:

Go Mono / Radio 21 / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 4.6. Best Use of Technology:

Aqua Scanner / Aqua Carpatica / Cohn & Jansen JWT
Grolsch Awake Experiment / Grolsch / Kubis Interactive
Play It Safe / Virgin Radio / McCann Worldgroup Romania



>> 5.1. Web:

URSUS Escape Room LIVE / URSUS / Kubis Interactive
WIFI Tests / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 5.2. Branded Games: 

URSUS Escape Room LIVE / URSUS / Kubis Interactive

>> 5.3. Branded Apps:

Aqua Scanner / Aqua Carpatica / Cohn & Jansen JWT
SeeColors / Samsung Romania / Samsung

>> 5.4. Branded Tech:

Grolsch Awake Experiment / Grolsch / Kubis Interactive
SeeColors / Samsung Romania / Samsung
URSUS Escape Room LIVE / URSUS / Kubis Interactive

>> 5.5. Social Media:

The Endless Day of Giraf / Zizin / MullenLowe Romania
Prison Fix Up / PRIMUS / Rusu+Bortun
Social Currency / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Live. From a Different World / VODAFONE / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Romania's Next Big Vlogger / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania
My Closest 200 Friends / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 5.6. Online Banners: -



Cif Clean & Travel / CIF / MullenLowe Romania
Social Currency / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Live. From a Different World / VODAFONE / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Romania's Next Big Vlogger / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania



>> 7.1. Creative Use of Media:

Vanilla Skype, The Audience Casting / Vanilla Skype / MullenLowe Romania
HP Happy Welcome / HP DeskJet Ink Advantage / HP Inc. Romania
The Endless Day of Giraf / Zizin / MullenLowe Romania
The Financial Awareness Test / Provident / Jazz
Go Mono / Radio 21 / McCann Worldgroup Romania
WIFI Tests / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Veggie Heroes / Mega Image / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Play It Safe / Virgin Radio / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Truth Cans / Sprite / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 7.2. Creative Media Mix: -



>> 8.1. Billboard and Outdoor Poster: -

>> 8.2. Special Projects:

Solar OOH / Golden Brau / Geometry Global Bucharest
The Cart Crash / Golden Brau 0.0% / Geometry Global Bucharest
The Survivors / Romanian Police / Mercury360



Oh Christmas Tree 2016 / Conservation Carpathia / Friends\TBWA
The Meaning of Christian Fasting / Hope & Homes for Children Romania / Cohn & Jansen JWT
The Ghost Radars / Romanian Police - Traffic Department / Heist Industries
The Survivors / Romanian Police / Mercury360
Brave Cut / Fundatia Renasterea / McCann Worldgroup Romania


10. PR

>> 10.1. Corporate Communications:

Droga vs Bogusky / FIBRA Awards / GMP Advertising
June 1st Public Holiday / Itsy Bitsy / GMP Advertising
Transilvania All Inclusive / Untold Festival / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 10.2. Media Relations:

Romanians Adopt Remainians / Gandul / GMP Advertising
June 1st Public Holiday / Itsy Bitsy / GMP Advertising
Prison Fix Up / PRIMUS / Rusu+Bortun

>> 10.3. Sponsorship, Partnership & Endorsements:

Lidl’s Electric Kingdom / Lidl / MullenLowe Romania
Electric Castle, Unofficial Partners / Electric Castle / MullenLowe Romania
Vanilla Skype, The Audience Casting / Vanilla Skype / MullenLowe Romania
Romania's Next Big Vlogger / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 10.4. Experiential/ Stunts:

The Weather Policy / Electric Castle Festival & NN Insurance / Heraldist & Wondermarks
Grolsch Awake Experiment / Grolsch / Kubis Interactive
Electric Castle, Unofficial Partners / Electric Castle / MullenLowe Romania
Cif Clean & Travel / CIF / MullenLowe Romania
Romanians Adopt Remainians / Gandul / GMP Advertising
Vanilla Skype, The Audience Casting / Vanilla Skype / MullenLowe Romania
Grand Valentine's Stories / Grand Cinema & More / Jazz



>> 11.1. Brand Activation:

Lidl’s Electric Kingdom / Lidl / MullenLowe Romania
Electric Castle, Unofficial Partners / Electric Castle / MullenLowe Romania
Cif Clean & Travel / CIF / MullenLowe Romania
Droga vs Bogusky / FIBRA Awards / GMP Advertising
Romanians Adopt Remainians / Gandul / GMP Advertising
June 1st Public Holiday / Itsy Bitsy / GMP Advertising
Lego Ethnics / Imagination Expo / FCB

>> 11.2. Shopper Experience:

Veggie Heroes / Mega Image / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Aqua Scanner / Aqua Carpatica / Cohn & Jansen JWT
Lidl’s Electric Kingdom / Lidl / MullenLowe Romania
Piano Bar / Staropramen / FCB
WIFI Tests / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 11.3. Brand Promotions:

Electric Castle, Unofficial Partners / Electric Castle / MullenLowe Romania
Vanilla Skype, The Audience Casting / Vanilla Skype / MullenLowe Romania
Transilvania All Inclusive / Untold Festival / McCann Worldgroup Romania
My Closest 200 Friends / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania



The Useful Trophy / FIBRA Awards / GMP Advertising
Lego Ethnics / Imagination Expo / FCB



>> 13.1. Use of Traditional Media for Direct Marketing:

 The 50 years calendar / VEKA / MullenLowe Romania

>> 13.2. Use of New Media for Direct Marketing:

Droga vs Bogusky / FIBRA Awards / GMP Advertising
Prison Fix Up / PRIMUS / Rusu+Bortun
Go Mono / Radio 21 / McCann Worldgroup Romania
WIFI Tests / KFC / McCann Worldgroup Romania
ROM Anthem / ROM Autentic / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Play It Safe / Virgin Radio / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Live. From a Different World / VODAFONE / McCann Worldgroup Romania



>> 14.1. Live Shows & Festivals:

Lidl’s Electric Kingdom / Lidl / MullenLowe Romania
Electric Castle, Unofficial Partners / Electric Castle / MullenLowe Romania
Live. From a Different World / VODAFONE / McCann Worldgroup Romania
Romania's Next Big Vlogger / Coca-Cola / McCann Worldgroup Romania

>> 14.2. Learning and Exhibition:

Opel Baby Test Drive / Opel Crossland X / Geometry Global Bucharest
Lego Ethnics / Imagination Expo / FCB

>> 14.3. Corporate Entertainment:

Lidl’s Electric Kingdom / Lidl / MullenLowe Romania


Gala de decernare a Premiilor FIBRA va avea loc pe 17 noiembrie, de la ora 20.00, la Hotel Caro (Bulevardul Barbu Vacarescu, nr. 164A).




Premiile FIBRA reprezinta un demers local necesar pentru a seta nivelul profesionalismului din marcomul autohton si, totodata, pentru a-i sustine dezvoltarea. Prin intermediul Premiilor FIBRA recunoastem, incurajam si premiem valoarea creativitatii locale si readucem entuziasmul si curajul la masa dezbaterilor creative. 
Festivalul este organizat de IQads, platforma media 
dedicata industriilor creative din Romania.

Aboneaza-te la newsletterul IQads cu cele mai importante articole despre comunicare, marketing si alte domenii creative:


VMLY&R a preluat FRACTAL Communications, agentia locala parte din WPP, si se alatura  VMLY&R Commerce pentru a oferi brandurilor o experienta conectata.  Preluarea agentiei locale de catre... vezi detalii »

The Geeks Bucharest

The Geeks este parte din Saatchi Creative Hub Bucharest, impreuna cu Saatchi & Saatchi Romania. Agentia se pozitioneza ca un partener de business cu focus pe solutii creative multidisciplinare de comunicare si... vezi detalii »


Why work with an agency like FRIENDS\TBWA Bucharest? DisruptionⓇAlmost everyone in the business world knows about disruption, talks about disruption or wants to try it, sooner or later. Well, it’s maybe time... vezi detalii »


Cu o istorie de peste 25 de ani in Romania si, in continuare independenti, full-service, suntem una dintre putinele agentii care au capabilitatile necesare pentru a deveni partener pe intreaga durata a unei campanii,... vezi detalii »

Heist Industries

Fondata in 2012, Heist Industries este singura agentie specializata in community marketing, un nou model de comunicare, bazat pe continut, povesti reale, personalitati si relevanta, folosind cele mai noi canale si... vezi detalii »


KUBIS is a creative agency led by curiosity. Vigilant and open-minded, we feed our minds with science and our hearts with fiction. We like to go bold, we want to go big, and we like to go first. Our ideas are... vezi detalii »


Rusu+Bortun este o agentie de strategie si manifestare creativa de brand. Conform Art Directors Club, Rusu+Bortun este printre cele mai creative agentii din Romania in 2022. Din 2008, Rusu+Bortun integreaza servicii... vezi detalii »

FCB Bucharest

Cu o istorie si o experienta de peste 140 de ani in domeniul comunicarii, reteaua globala FCB include 150 de agentii in 90 de tari, avand peste 8.000 de angajati si este parte a Interpublic Group of Companies. In... vezi detalii »


De 29 de ani in Romania, MullenLowe este o agentie de creatie, marketing si brand strategy, care isi propune sa isi pastreze mentalitatea de creativitate antreprenoriala si spiritul dinamic. Agentia se pozitioneaza... vezi detalii »



