Prices GO UP TODAY. Last Tickets Available

Prices GO UP TODAY. Last Tickets Available

BRAND MINDS 2022 is your unmissable opportunity to see global leaders live, on stage, and discover brilliant ideas that shape the future of business.

Prices go up on June 9th, so hurry up, and grab your tickets before the event is sold out! Last tickets are available at

Over 5500 professionals and industry leaders are expected to join this year’s edition from all over Europe to access the ultimate insights and tactics to develop their teams and business strategy.


6 reasons why you should join BRAND MINDS:

  1. Meet world-famous business thinkers
  2. Experience the team-building of the year
  3. Network with top leaders in your industry
  4. Reconnect with all your partners in a memorable business event
  5. Boost your professional brand with the BRAND MINDS certificate
  6. Benefit from an A-to-Z business education on:
  • Business Scaleup & Strategy
  • Sales Strategy
  • Viral Marketing
  • Team Leadership
  • Team Performance
  • Stress Management
  • Business Innovation
  • Personal Growth
  • Understanding the consumer’s mind

THE BEST GLOBAL BUSINESS THINKERS will be rocking the stage at BRAND MINDS 2022
Registration starts on June 17th, at 7:00 AM. 

DAY 2 ACCESS is only available for Business & First Class Ticket Holders.
If your ticket it’s not covering DAY 2, you can UPGRADE it here. 

Are you one of the following professionals?
Then BRAND MINDS is for you!

  1. Business Developers looking to deliver more value to clients by leveraging human behaviour trends;
  2. Organizational Leaders looking to reduce work-related stress and improve professional efficiency;
  3. Entrepreneurs, Top executives and CEOs looking for verified lessons on business scale-up & strategy;
  4. Coaches, Trainers and Psychologists looking for outstanding personal growth tactics;
  5. Human Resources Managers looking to discover talent growth opportunities for employees;
  6. Sales Specialists and Negotiation Experts looking for new techniques to close more sales;
  7. IT leaders and Tech Experts looking to gain a competitive advantage through innovation;
  8. Marketing, Branding and Advertising Experts looking to achieve business goals by creating viral marketing campaigns;
  9. Team Leaders looking to understand the challenges impacting their leadership.

Learn with your team how to build a winning strategy for your company at BRAND MINDS 2022!

Last tickets are available on

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