Can talking on the phone change the world?

Can talking on the phone change the world?

As touch became in-conceivable, did the voice remain the last resort to genuine human connection?

Looks like the plain old phone call – I don’t know if you remember it - has made a comeback, taking everyone, even telecom providers by surprise. The volume of phone calls surged more than internet use as people want to hear each other’s voices in the pandemic.

Recent events reminded us of the amazing power human voice has: to cure loneliness and to restore hope worldwide simply by singing a song from a balcony. Just think of how many emojis would make up for that feeling of hearing someone’s smile over the phone.

I can’t help but wonder what this rediscovery of voice, cumulated with the reluctance of touching will have as an outcome. Will radio relive its golden ages? Will our now silent cities evolve differently from an audio point of view? Or will audio triggered commands replace all the touchscreens we no longer want to use?

According to Nielsen, 8 in 10 report more time with radio in March, which makes reconsidering the mix of media mandatory. Even so, we must not fall in the trap of thinking that everything revolving around sound will grow. Music streaming’s lowering audiences showed us that sound alone is not enough. People are searching for connection. One powerful enough to make up for the lost of touch.

This can be a great opportunity to say the stories that we always wanted to say, but that would have cost too much from an image point of view. Amazing creative content might be right around the corner because when people can’t see, they can imagine more.

Author: Roxana Bejinariu

Roxana Bejinariu, Junior Strategic Planner, McCann Bucharest

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