White Square opened the 2020 season

White Square opened the 2020 season

XII International marketing and advertising festival White Square – one of the largest creative festivals of  the communication industry on the territory of Europe – announced the call for entries. The festival is annually attended by representatives from over 30 countries of the world, has more than 1000 entries participating in its contests and 700 delegates in the educational program. White Square will open the international season of creativity on April 15-17 in Minsk.

White Square 2020 will keep its three-day format with various business and educational program and well-known communication experts from all around the world as headliners, as well as exciting parties of advertisers from different countries.  

Contest program of the festival has preserved its previous balance of contests and nominations. However, it includes a number of updates corresponding to current industrial trends, relevant requests of global communications. Entries can still be submitted into seven categories: Creativity, Branding, Marketing, Creative Effectiveness, Digital, Media, Change for Good – contest of creative socially-oriented projects which this year gained a new sounding following increasing actualization of social and environmental problems going on worldwide.

In a number of contest nominations more emphasis was put on the use of innovative technologies in online advertising, as well as innovative original approaches to traditional types of advertising. Due to growing boom of social media Social & Influencer has become a separate nomination in the structure of several contests. Following global trends, White Square’s nominations were added with Creative Strategy nomination, which aims to demonstrate the contribution of innovative creative strategic planning into business development, and Design-Driven Effectiveness nomination, which aims to show measurable, tangible results of design and branding projects. In according to international trends Marketing and Media categories will have more concrete criteria of evaluation of entries containing particular percentage for creativity, execution and results.


Entries are accepted online on the official website adfest.by. Early Bird period with more profitable fees will continue till January 31.

Entries will be evaluated by six categories of international jury – over 60 recognized industrial experts from 25 countries, holding a wide experience of judging and hundreds of prestigious awards, including over 300 Cannes Lions. Total jury cast is being formed and will be announced this month. For the moment Vidya Manmohan, GREY UAE; Mischa Schreuder, Publicis, The Netherlands; Edson Athayde, FCB Lisboa, Portugal; Hanna Stenwall, Nord DDB, Sweden; Stephanie Lang, Ogilvy & Mather, Switzerland; Kenn Van Lijsebeth, TBWA \ Brussels, Belgium; Ioana Zamfir, MRM//Mccann Romania; Julia Dovlatova, Geometry Prague, Czech Republic; Davide Boscacci, Publicis Italy and others have confirmed their particpation in the White Square 2020 jury.

To make long story short, it’s time to upload your cases on adfest.by. Follow the news in White Square’s social media.

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