[Weekend Watch List] Celălat 2019. Geamănul lui mai bun

[Weekend Watch List] Celălat 2019. Geamănul lui mai bun

Pe noi ne-a prins 2019 repetând aria cercului și principiile de bază ale democrației și foarte la limită am trecut, dar în alte părți ale lumii oamenii se preocupă cu alte dileme, cum ar popularea altor planete, drepturile roboților, etica AI, organe artificiale funcționale, decodificarea ADN-ului. În loc să ne căinăm că nouă nu ni s-a dat și la noi nu se poate, mai bine să privim la tot s-a întâmplat în știință în 2019, să luăm de aici inspirația de care avem nevoie și doza de optimism. Cele mai importante descoperiri științifice, de la ADN la planete noi și de la roboței simpatici la AI care poate va conduce lumea.


National Geographic 2019 | The Biggest Scientific Discoveries of 2019 Documentary


7 Recent Scientific Discoveries Nobody's Talking About

Everyone is always talking about technological advancements and science constantly speeding up with each year. But why don’t we know how dinosaurs went extinct or if there was ever life on Mars? And what about space travel, hoverboards, and flying cars?! Ok, we’re not there yet, but here are some other recent discoveries that bring us closer to a bright future!




When will we Live on another Planet? Ft. Simon Clark | The Big Question | Earth Lab


New Species Related to Us Discovered in the Philippines


NASA Science Live: New Discoveries from Our Mission to Touch the Sun


In the Age of AI (full film) | FRONTLINE

A documentary exploring how artificial intelligence is changing life as we know it — from jobs to privacy to a growing rivalry between the U.S. and China.


Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI | A WIRED Film

“Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI,” examines the extraordinary ways in which people are interacting with AI today. Hobbyists and teenagers are now developing tech powered by machine learning and WIRED shows the impacts of AI on schoolchildren and farmers and senior citizens, as well as looking at the implications that rapidly accelerating technology can have. The film was directed by filmmaker Chris Cannucciari, produced by WIRED, and supported by McCann Worldgroup.

Q&A with Bill Gates | 2019 Breakthrough Technology | MIT Technology Review Bill Gates explains why we should all be optimists.

TOP 7 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World!

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