Cristiano Ronaldo s-a accidentat. A jucat intr-o reclama si acum are hemoragie pe Twitter. In timp ce fotalistul marcheaza un gol din lovitura libera si isi celebreaza reusita in stil propriu – vezi Siiiii, un intreg stadion il ignora, fiind preocupat cu aplicatia Shopee. Problema nu e ca fotbalistul se mira, nici ca gandeste, nici ca zambeste. Problema e ca danseaza.
Totusi, de ce sa nu recunoastem, spotul se potriveste stilului asiatic. Radem de el, precum radem de o productie de la Bollywood. Este un exemplu de ciocnire a culturilor si ridica o problema de marketing: cat de fezabila este o campanie care isi atinge obiectivele in fata publicului tinta, dar intra in conflict cu alte publicuri?
Iata reactiile pe Twitter:
Someone needs to tell me how much they paid Ronaldo to do this ad
— Xav Salazar (@XavsFutbol) August 16, 2019
Is this the worst advert featuring a footballer ever?
— GiveMeSport Football (@GMS__Football) August 16, 2019
Cristiano Ronaldo, what have you done!? #Ronaldo #Shopee
Watch Ronaldo score his latest victory in our new TV commercial in celebration of Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day! Comment below and let us know what's your favourite scene and tag a fan! #ShopeeSGxRonaldo #ShopeeSG99 #Shopee99SuperShoppingDay
— Shopee Singapore (@ShopeeSG) August 16, 2019
Cristiano Ronaldo is the world’s second highest-paid athlete. A huge sum won’t make him flinch. So I cannot imagine how many millions of dollars did Shopee pay him to do a goofy ass embarrassing commercial with him dancing & stuff. Shopee must have definitely gave the bag.
— Jeremiah Santos (@iamjemsantos) August 17, 2019
Cristiano Ronaldo doing the Shopee dance is further proof that we live in a simulation
— theo (@altheooo) August 16, 2019
Portughezul care le-a facut pe toate in fotbal, le-a incercat pe toate si in advertising. Iata cateva alte aparitii memorabile:
— Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) June 4, 2017