[Weekend Watch List] Și dacă lumea noastră e visul altcuiva?

[Weekend Watch List] Și dacă lumea noastră e visul altcuiva?

E o întrebare care a apărut chiar de la începuturile omenirii și a acompaniat-o apoi, pe drumul ei spre prezent, în cântece, poezii, tratate filosofice, filme și, din ce în ce mai serios, știință. Dacă trăim într-o simulare? Dacă nimic din ceea ce trăim, simțim, gustăm, vedem și mirosim este o iluzie? Cum separăm adevărul realității? Multe întrebări tulburătoare pe care le uităm bând o cafea bună sau continuând să răspundem la mailurile amânate. Cam ăsta e răspunsul pentru majoritatea: viața imediată care are mai multă nevoie de noi decât analiza unei iluzii universale. 

Mai avem și alte răspunsuri. De la Richard Dawkins, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Elon Musk, Bill Nye, Philip K Dick, fizicieni de la CERN, premiați cu Nobel și mulți alții.


Is Reality Real? The Simulation Argument



Are You In A Simulation?



Are We Living In A Simulation? | Brit Lab

Greg Foot takes a philosphical look at our existence and ask whether we are all just living in the Matrix?



Are We In A Simulation? | Why You Are Not Real

Simulation theory points out that we might be living in a giant computer simulation. Exponential technological growth and how far we’ve already come in so little time are big indicators that we can’t possibly imagine what the future of humanity would look like in 100 years, or better yet, 1,000 years!


The Simulation Hypothesis

A look at the Simulation Hypothesis, or Simulation Argument, along with its implications for identity, consciousness, and the Fermi Paradox.



Nick Bostrom - The Simulation Argument (Full)

Interview with Nick Bostrom at the Future of Humanity Institute Oxford University.


Is The Universe A Simulation?



Are We Living In A Computer Simulation?

In 2016 Elon Musk said he firmly believed reality was a simulation created by a superintelligence. Since then, this pretty uncomfortable theory has gathered momentum on the internet, making it one of the most popular conspiracies around.


What if our reality were a computer simulation: Edeline D'Souza at TEDxYouth@Winchester

What if our reality were a computer simulation? Once we discover that, can we hack into the programme of existence? Can we stop ourselves from being shut down? Edeline discusses the possibility of our reality being nothing more than coded information.


Is Our Reality Just a Simulation? | Tatarit (Mod) Yensuang | TEDxYouth@ISBangkok

In a world where our technological progress is continually multiplying at a pace we cannot predict, it is difficult to tell where our future is heading. In a span of just a few years, our technology now enables us to simulate complex worlds that are nearly impossible to distinguish from reality. What would these simulations be like in 50 years? 500 years? Could it be possible that someone, somewhere in the future has created a simulation that is our very own reality? This talk explores the possibility that we are living in a simulation created by a much more advanced civilization, but more importantly, whether it matters to us at all.



Are we living in a simulation?



Avi Bar-Zeev (RealityPrime) Are we Living in a Simulation?


Are We Living in a Simulation? | Oleg Maslov | TEDxSPbU

 What are the chances that we are artificial intelligence beings living in a virtual world? Oleg lays out evidence that suggests that those chances are much higher than we believe.


What if our reality were a computer simulation: Edeline D'Souza at TEDxYouth@Winchester

What if our reality were a computer simulation? Once we discover that, can we hack into the programme of existence? Can we stop ourselves from being shut down? Edeline discusses the possibility of our reality being nothing more than coded information.


We Are Living In A Simulation - New Evidence!


You are a Simulation & Physics Can Prove It: George Smoot at TEDxSalford

Astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel Prize winner George Smoot studies the cosmic microwave background radiation — the afterglow of the Big Bang. His pioneering research into deep space and time is uncovering the structure of the universe itself. He has also made a cameo appearance (as himself) in an episode of the 'Big Bang Theory.'



Jailbreaking the Simulation with George Hotz | SXSW 2019

We are in a simulation. Has it occurred to you that means God is real? By drawing parallels to worlds we have created, we ask, from inside our simulator, what actions do we have available? Can we get out? Meet God? Kill him?


2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Is the Universe a Simulation?



Do We Live in a Simulated Universe?

Richard Dawkins and Brian Greene discuss the notion of a simulated universe, based on Dawkins' Oxford colleague philosopher Nick Bastrom, who suggests that real universes are hard to make and it's possible that we might be part of a simulated universe created by a futuristic teenager.


Neil deGrasse Tyson: It's hard to argue that we aren't living in a simulated world

Neil deGrasse Tyson - like Elon Musk - says it's hard to argue that we aren't living in a simulation, explaining that with the computing power to create worlds - that can create worlds, that then create more worlds - the likelihood that we're living in the "real world" is, at best, slim.



How We Might Be Living In Other Dimensions Without Knowing - A Neil deGrasse Tyson Visualization

In a 2017 interview, Neil deGrasse Tyson provides an incredible visual illustration to the concept of multidimensional phenomena. In which, he compares our inability to comprehend beyond the third dimension to that of an ant being incapable of understanding that something is placed above it.


Alan Guth - Are We Living in a Simulation?


New findings have physicists questioning reality

Physicists at CERN are working to determine why the equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe haven't annihilated each other. CBS News science and futurist contributor and theoretical physicist Michio Kaku joins CBSN to discuss this discovery.





Bill Nye: Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?


Are We In A Simulation? - Elon Musk



Joe Rogan & Elon Musk - Are We in a Simulated Reality?



Are We Living in a Massive Computer Program? Or a Simulation? | Joscha Bach


Why Elon Musk says we're living in a simulation


Simulated Reality

 As computers grow more powerful and complex, the plausibility of simulating an entire universe grows less absurd. In fact, many now believe that our universe could be a vast computer simulation. In this video I explore the relatively new field of digital physics, the plausibility of a simulated universe, and how we may one day create our own universe.

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