[Weekend Watch List] A conduce, a fi, a învăța

[Weekend Watch List] A conduce, a fi, a învăța

Tragem adânc aer în piept, respirăm profund și nici măcar nu clipim: azi vorbim despre conducere. Despre lideri, manageri, cei care se ocupă cu gestionatul companiei, profitului, dar mai ales al oamenilor care fac toate lucrurile acestea să se întâmple. Echilibrul e destul de greu de obținut. Ce înseamnă un lider bun?  Cum poți să ai o companie în care angajații sunt mulțumiți și își ating potențialul și nici nu dă faliment? Câteva idei, în lista noastră de weekend. 


John Maxwell: The 5 Levels of Leadership



5 Different Types of Leadership Styles | Brian Tracy



Culture and Leadership | Joseph Trimble | TEDxWWU

In a changing society, new leadership styles are emerging. This talk calls out the old dominating styles and brings to light more inclusive, diverse and effective options.


Lean Management - Boss vs Leader


Difference between BOSS and LEADER


How to Establish Yourself as a Leader - 9 Leadership Tactics



Stop Managing, Start Leading | Hamza Khan | TEDxRyersonU

 According to Hamza, managing millennials and knowledge workers the way we used to manage traditional factory workers can be disastrous. Speaking through his own experience of being managed and alternatively as a manager, Hamza makes the case that millennials must be lead, instead of managed and given autonomy to complete their tasks, so that they may grow and reach their full potential.



Management tutorial: Be a leader, not a micromanager | lynda.com

 Many bosses are controlling: instead of focusing on defining great outcomes for their team, they go further and define and monitor how the work is completed. Most of the time that's the wrong move; the goal is to manage outcomes, not the process.


Great leadership starts with self-leadership | Lars Sudmann | TEDxUCLouvain



Most leaders don't even know the game they are in - Simon Sinek at Live2Lead 2016

Trust and cooperation are not standard in our organizations and yet we know they should be. There are two attributes that every single leader has the opportunity to possess that will help them create the types of organizations we would be proud to call our own. Those two attributes are EMPATHY & PERSPECTIVE.



What To Look For In Great Leaders: Gary Bertoline at TEDxPurdueU

 What are the personal characteristics that connect great leaders throughout history? Dr. Gary Bertoline has identified the 5 attributes of authentic leadership and teaches us how to identify effective leaders, and even how we can become leaders in our own communities! Dr. Bertoline is Dean of the College of Technology, a Distinguished Professor in the department of Computer Graphics Technology, and a Professor of Computer & Information Technology at Purdue University. Dr. Bertoline's research focuses on scientific visualization, interactive immersion environments, cyberinfrastructure, and grid computing.


Why good leaders make you feel safe | Simon Sinek 

 What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety — especially in an uneven economy — means taking on big responsibility.


What do all great leaders have have in common | Matt Beeton | TEDxOxbridge

Matt has been in leadership positions for the last 20 years and has been conducting research in to the ‘common denominator’ of great leaders over the past two years. Matt will share insight into a few of those most common denominators and use these findings to offer advice to the next generation of leaders. Leadership is there within us all, we just need to know how to harness it.


Great leadership comes down to only two rules | Peter Anderton | TEDxDerby

 Peter takes us on a whistle stop tour of leadership in the last 16 centuries and tells us why everything you ever need to know about leadership comes down to only two rules.


Great Leaders Do What Drug Addicts Do | Michael Brody-Waite | TEDxNashville

This is my story from drug addiction and homelessness to founding and leading a company on the Inc 500 list. There are 3 principles that saved me from death and set me apart as a leader. They are small enough to fit in your pocket, yet big enough to change your life. The best part is that anyone can take these principles and immediately implement them after watching this talk. Connect with Michael at ww.michaelbrodywaite.com


What a 15-year-old meth addict taught me about leadership | Brian Fretwell | TEDxBoise

 How do you lead someone who knows what they need to do to change their life but—despite all your help—isn’t going to do it?


How to Spot a Toxic Boss (Signs of a Bad Manager and a Terrible Leader)



Bad managers at work. Here’s why good employees leave


7 reasons why your best employees want to leave

Hiring and then retaining the best staff is a massive challenge today. Competition for skilled and talented staff, particularly in retail, is at an all time high. With customer experience at the top of the list, it is essential that retailers have the best people in their stores. The challenge then, is to keep them.


The Perfect Boss: Dr. Axel Zein at TEDxStuttgart

Axel Zein promotes a new way we manage businesses today: think of business as a sport. In sports, the team is decisive; the team with the best players usually wins. And sports are fun. So what qualifies a manager to be the perfect coach for his team?



The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP


Why We Need Introverted Leaders | Angela Hucles | TEDxBend

Athletes train to be their best by tapping into their "inner-introvert" and finding moments to lead. Hucles, two-time Olympic gold medalist, reveals why the special qualities introverts contribute to teams is invaluable for success.


Missing the obvious in employee recognition | Claire McCarty | TEDxUWRiverFalls

Sure pizza and doughnuts at work are a nice treat, and employees won't turn down a free holiday turkey, but is this actually helping employees feel recognized and engaged at work?


Motivating People to Excellence | Cheryl Ferguson | TEDxWinnipeg

A compliment can change your life, IF it has two qualities. Do you know what they are?
Cheryl Ferguson understands motivation and what drives students to excel. She has over 200 students in her band program and over 200 students who are on the waitlist to get into her band program. During her 20 years as a teacher, Cheryl has taught music at every level including K-6 classroom and junior high band programs.


RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace.


The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.



How to motivate staff and engage employees.


Motivating Employees for Managers



Creating an Employee Development Plan for Improved Employee Performance



 6 Effective Ways to Increase Employee Productivity


How to create a high performance culture | Andrew Sillitoe | TEDxRoyalTunbridgeWells

 Business Psychologist Andrew Sillitoe explores why some people rise to the top 20% in their field starting with research into why young people stay engaged with sport throughout their teens. Engaging others to operate at their full potential may be less of a mystery than we think – listen to Andrew’s story about what he learnt on the road playing street hockey and what it takes to create a high performance culture.



This is what makes employees happy at work | The Way We Work, a TED series

 There are three billion working people on this planet, and only 40 percent of them report being happy at work. Michael C. Bush shares his insights into what makes workers unhappy -- and how companies can benefit their bottom lines by fostering satisfaction.


Laszlo Bock: "Education Lessons from Work Rules! That Will Transform How [...]" | Talks at Google


Creating organizational cultures based on values and performance | Ann Rhoades | TEDxABQ

After 25 years in leadership roles with organizations such as Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways, DoubleTree Hotels, and Juniper Networks, Ann Rhoades is a leading expert on building values based organizations. Rhoades has proven that when implemented correctly, this kind of corporate culture not only creates a great work environment for employees but also increases all other performance measures.


Winning the Game of Employee Retention | Claire Kemp | TEDxSevenMileBeach

 The worker’s experience of employment is fundamental to retention of talent across organisations. Gamification of antiquated HR systems in ours resulted in redesigning the UX of employment. Learn how we used these updates to win the game of employee retention.


Employee Retention


8 lessons on building a company people enjoy working for | The Way We Work, a TED series

Most companies operate on a set of policies: mandated vacation days, travel guidelines, standard work hours, annual goals. But what happens when a company looks less to control and more to trust? Patty McCord, the iconic former chief talent officer at Netflix, shares the key insights that led her to toss the handbook out the window.



Laszlo Bock on Breaking Work Rules—Measuring What Truly Matters In Great Workplaces Worldwide



The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP

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