[Weekend Watch List] De ce avem nevoie de Sărbători

[Weekend Watch List] De ce avem nevoie de Sărbători

 Da, avem nevoie de ele, chiar dacă presupun mese în familie cu rude cu care nu știm ce să vorbim și ocolim cu grație subiecte din care știm că se pot isca scandaluri groaznice, chiar dacă ne abținem de la replică de câteva ori pe minut, chiar dacă ne petrecem timpul alergând prin magazine pentru provizii apocaliptice sau pregătind mese care ar putea hrăni sate întregi, chiar dacă mâncăm nemăsurat și vorbim puțin, chiar dacă, de multe ori, chiar de Sărbători ies la iveală suferințe adânci sau elefanți ignorați de prea mulți ani în mijlocul camerei. 

Și cu toate astea, chiar și ateii le îmbrățișează uneori. Pentru că sensul lor religios devine din ce în ce mai palid, iar ritualurile - niște practici ciudate, care ne scot din sterilul cotidian. Pentru că e legătura cu ceilalți semeni ai noștri, care ne-au transmis de-a lungul timpului bucuria de a face parte dintr-o comunitate și de a avea grijă unii de alții.   


Bet You Didn't Know: Easter Traditions | History

 How did Easter traditions like the Easter bunny and egg hunts become part of the holiday celebration?


Why do we eat eggs on Easter?

Have you ever wondered why eggs are a part of Easter? Today, there are so many different types of Easter eggs. 



Lessons about tradition from a little brown bag | Rita Barreto Craig | TEDxBocaRaton

 Rita passionately weaves parallels between family and business to illuminate the benefits of tradition, and provides practical applications and how-to information for harnessing the transformative power of tradition at home and at work.


Oral Tradition in the Age of Smart Phones | Alexander MacDonald | TEDxFulbrightDublin

 In this talk, Alex MacDonald will speak about how smartphones and social media are both innovating and honoring the tap dance tradition.


Translating Traditions | Ivan Shopov Иван Шопов | TEDxYouth@AASSofia

 The Bulgarian musician, producer and fine artist Ivan Shopov presented his music and art in Europe, South America, USA, Asia, and Australia: his music reaches all over the world. His interest in electronic music led to different projects in the styles of techno, drum and bass, idm, jazz, and classical music. What distinguishes him is his ability to mix traditional Bulgarian folklore with electronic music and jazz, creating a bridge between the past and present. Behind him are three albums in collaboration with Theodosii Spassov and one with Avigeya. He is also a composer for contemporary dance and theatre productions, as well as a sound designer for short films and interactive installations. Shopov created the music for Derrida Dance, one of them winning the IKAR award in 2017. He holds a BA in Graphics and Print Making at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia and has 8 solo exhibitions in Bulgaria and abroad. He has over 120 vinyl records and 350 releases with his music. The Bulgarian musician, producer and fine artist Ivan Shopov presented his music and art in Europe, South America, USA, Asia, and Australia: his music reaches all over the world.



Atheism 2.0 | Alain de Botton

 What aspects of religion should atheists (respectfully) adopt? Alain de Botton suggests a "religion for atheists" -- call it Atheism 2.0 -- that incorporates religious forms and traditions to satisfy our human need for connection, ritual and transcendence.


Some atheists embrace religious traditions

 Seventeen percent of atheists with children and 10 percent of those without embrace religious traditions for social and personal reasons, according to new research from Rice University and the University of Buffalo SUNY.

Did Jesus Die On Cross (BBC Four Documentary)

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