Fiecare perioadă are un cuvânt care o vindecă de toate relele. Așa am observat noi. Și cuvântul ăsta este invocat înfiorător de des, în toate contextele și pe toate vocile (duioase, fremătând de furie, flegmatic-raționale, reticente, ironice, blazate), atribuindu-i-se brusc puteri mitice. Doar că folosirea lui exagerată îl golește la un moment dat de sens și apoi este aruncat la mormanul de cuvinte-clișeu. Așa a fost cu solidaritate acum câțiva ani, (și cu variantele lui, împreună sau comuniune), cu incluziune și cu bula noastră, cea de toate zilele, cu comunicare și relaționare și, în prezent, cu educație.
Oriunde te uiți, orice problemă s-ar discuta, se spune: educație. Vot, fake news, sănătate, autostrăzi, mâncare, poluare, Bună dimineața, educație. Așa că am strâns repede o listă cu video-uri despre educație, până nu i se va epuiza sensul. Care sunt descoperirile din domeniu, cum s-a schimbat educație și cum se pregătește ea pentru oamenii viitorului.
TEDxDartmouth - John Rassias - Teaching Heart to Heart
Prof. John Rassias, Professor of Languages at Dartmouth College, presents at TEDxDartmouth on April 17, 2010.
The Art of Delivering Information | Mike Johnston | TEDxLaSierraUniversity
We all have opportunities to teach, to share, to deliver information. In this inspiring and engaging talk, Mike Johnston presents simple and effective ways to focus not only on content, but on how we deliver it, cracking the code to successfully educate any individual on any topic.
Getting at the heart of teaching: Lisa Lee at TEDxCrestmoorParkED
Lisa Lee gives an emotional talk about making a difference in children's lives as teachers and teaches us that if we reach the inner core first, the common core is more easily taught.
O materie care nu se predă la şcoală: eşecul | Adrian Covaci | TEDxEroilor
Adrian dares to speak about a big shortcoming of Romanian education and the pressure of not being allowed to fail. He talks about the road from "What will everybody think if I fail?" to "What I learn, what I do in order to reach a goal is much more important than actually reaching the goal."
Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse
The belief in learning styles is so widespread, it is considered to be common sense. Few people ever challenge this belief, which has been deeply ingrained in our educational system. Teachers are routinely told that in order to be effective educators, they must identify & cater to individual students' learning styles; it is estimated that around 90% of students believe that they have a specific learning style but research suggests that learning styles don't actually exist! This presentation focuses on debunking this myth via research findings, explaining how/why the belief in learning styles is problematic, and examining the reasons why the belief persists despite the lack of evidence.
Learning Through Play | Shahneila Saeed | TEDxMatera
The general theme is that children playing never really changes. So we need to capitalise on that in education to change. There has been a lot of changes recently to what we teach, so now teachers need to catch up to change the way we teach.
Shut Up! And Let Me Teach: Ending the Assault on Teacher Autonomy | Chandra Shaw | TEDxLSCTomball
If you live in Texas, you know all too well that there are a few things that are inevitable, death, taxes, and high stakes testing! What you may not be aware of is the effect it has on students and great teachers, those who stay at work late, not because they didn’t get the mountains of paperwork, intervention plans, and data analysis done during the day, not because they are unorganized poor managers of time, but because it’s the only time they have to do what they were actually hired to do, build relationships and design engaging thought provoking learning experiences for the students they teach. In this talk, Lifelong Learner, Educator, & Consultant, Chandra Shaw, shares the story of her first year of teaching and a of “politically incorrect” advice on what’s needed for teachers to teach so that ALL students can continue to learn and grow.
The problem with urban students? Their teachers leaving: Greg Fairbank at TEDxWellsStreetED
Teacher turnover is sky-high in many schools that enroll impoverished students of color, notes teacher Greg Fairbank. This revolving door creates a lack of trust between teachers and students who don't believe their teachers will stick around. Teacher attrition is a national problem impacting students, schools and communities. Numerous solutions are possible, including mentoring programs that support new teachers, beginning while they're still in college.
Let's Rewrite the School-to-Prison Pipeline | Debra Postil | TEDxLaSierraUniversity
Can police, prosecutors, and citizens work together to focus on education over incarceration? Veteran prosecutor Debra Postil is proving it's possible through community prosecution, youth programs, intervention, and rehabilitation.
Expecting More From Teaching: Deanna LeBlanc at TEDxUniversityofNevada
Deanna LeBlanc was the 2012 Teacher of the Year for the State of Nevada. In this talk, she discusses how teachers need to expect more from themselves and those around them.
Toxic culture of education: Joshua Katz at TEDxUniversityofAkron
Joshua Katz is a high school math teacher in Orange County, FL.
Joshua's Talk: In the mid 1800's, Horace Mann captured the potential impact of education on society. We have yet to realize the potential he saw, and in fact, we are missing the mark by a wider and wider margin. We have created a "Toxic Culture of Education" in our country that is damaging students, impacting our economy, and threatening our future. Since the passage of No Child Left Behind, we have embraced a culture of high stakes testing and are perpetuating a false sense of failure in our schools. We have ignored research and data on effective policy making practices in order to serve the interest of private industries that have monetized our students. The impact is being felt in communities, on college campuses, and in our economy. The solution lies in a common sense approach to student development, curriculum choice, career exploration, and relevant data analysis. This talk will present a vision of an education system that allows us to embrace our full potential if we only had the courage to ask "Why Not"?
I Love Teaching So Much ... I Quit | Tawana Weicker | TEDxTryon
TEDx Talk Tryon - Teaching took on a whole new meaning for this high school teacher turned biofuel eco-preneur when her students became her teachers. She learned how to transform waste into biofuel while at the same time identifying the enormous waste of knowledge, creativity and expertise that too often happens in our classrooms.
Testing, Testing | Linda Darling-Hammond | TEDxStanford
Even Google has given up using standardized testing as a means for evaluating who will be most successful and who will make the best hire. American public schools, however, remain among the most standardized test-heavy education systems in the world. Why are we still “bubbling in,” as Darling-Hammond puts it, when top-performing countries such as Singapore long ago realized there are better and more accurate ways to evaluate both students and their teachers?
What standardized tests don't measure | Nikki Adeli | TEDxPhiladelphia
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Alarmingly, 44% of American students in grades 6-12 do not feel a sense of self-worth at school. Philadelphia high school junior Nikki Adeli knows firsthand the challenges that young people face navigating standardized tests. Through the story of her own real-world educational experiences beginning in Mississippi by way of Iran, Nikki reminds us all that the value and purpose of schools is to grow a citizen not produce a good test-taker.
None of the Above - Why Standardized Testing Fails: Bob Sternberg at TEDxOStateU
Oklahoma State University Provost Bob Sternberg developed his first intelligence test in seventh grade and since then has become one of the top 100 psychologists of the 20th century. His talk discusses the faults in standardized testing and the new needs of today's generation.
The new age of teaching: Philip Altman at TEDxAUBG 2014
Philip Altman is a History Teacher at the American College of Sofia. Born in Vermont and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, he has taught History, Ancient Greek, and Latin. Philip coaches and plays on the Bulgarian Ultimate Frisbee team Shopski Otryad. He lives in Sofia with his wife, Erin, and his daughter, Eliza Margaret.
TEDxWarwick - Dr Michael McMahon - Teaching and Learning Today
Dr Michael McMahon is a macroeconomist who teaches both undergraduate and graduate level macroeconomics and applied econometrics at the University of Warwick. He is an advisory member for the UK Higher Education Academy's Economics Network -- a body which promotes the more effective teaching of economics. Was employed by LSE and New York University, as well as Bank of England and Central Bank of Ireland. His talk focuses on how modern day lecturers try to find a healthy balance between good quality teaching and academic research.
What the U.S. education system can learn from the developing world: Adam Braun at TEDxUNLV
Adam Braun is the Founder of Pencils of Promise, an award-winning organization that has built more than 150 schools across Africa, Asia and Latin America. PoP was founded with just $25 using Braun's unique "For-Purpose" approach to blending nonprofit idealism with for-profit business principles. In 2012, he was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 List.
Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl | TEDxLafayette
Collaboration. Communication. Critical thinking. Creativity. - Should be present in all classrooms. Joe Ruhl received his bachelors and masters degrees at Purdue University and he has been sharing the joys of biology with kids for 37 years. He presently teaches Biology, Genetics, and Science Research courses at Jefferson High School in Lafayette, Indiana. Joe and his wife Gail have two children and two grandchildren. The National Association of Biology Teachers named Joe Ruhl the Outstanding Biology Teacher of Indiana in 1987. In 1988 he was awarded a Golden Apple Teaching Award by the Lafayette, Indiana Chamber of Commerce. In 1989 he was honored at the White House as Indiana’s recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. In 1996 he received the Purdue University College of Science Distinguished Alumnus Award for Excellence in K-12 Science Teaching. In 2004 he was awarded the Purdue College of Education’s Crystal Apple Teaching Award. And in 2012 he was honored with the Shell National Science Teaching Award.
Reimagining education | Michael Bodekaer | TEDxCERN
Michael Bodekaer wants to make quality science education more accessible using technology. He has an idea that might revolutionize the way we learn and teach science in schools today.
Teaching without words | Matthew Peterson | TEDxOrangeCoast
In school, the dominant way of conveying ideas is through words. Words can be great barriers to learning. Matthew Petersen shows and explains how we can learn without words.
Good vs. Great Teaching: Are the best teachers born or made?
An informative lecture by Dr. Shannon Kincaid Associate Professor of Philosophy Social Sciences Department.
Building a Better Teacher | Brian Smith | TEDxHickory
I am the teacher that I am today because of my students. I want to inspire the students today to aim higher than ever before and let them know that they have the power to inspire their peers, their teachers, their school and even the world. I want to remind teachers that their students can be their greatest inspiration. If we as an educational community connect to each student then they will work to meet our expectations and then it's up to us to reflect and see how this student made us a better teacher for future students. As a resource, inclusion, and self-contained Exceptional Children teacher and then a regular education Kindergarten teacher I am a better teacher for each child that I've had the privilege to teach. Many of the students I have learned more from them then they ever learned from me but each one Built a Better Teacher!
Becoming a Better Teacher | Mariappan Jawaharlal | TEDxCPP
Teaching is one of the most humbling jobs you can do. Shaping and molding the future leaders of the world is an important job. With the world relying more and more on technology, it is important to get the youth involved at a younger age.
Vintilă Mihăilescu la Smart People: Cum ar trebui să fie un profesor bun
Profesorul Radu Gologan, despre ce ar trebui să producă şcoala românească (@Garantat 100%)
What makes a good teacher great? | Azul Terronez | TEDxSantoDomingo
I've been asking the question: What makes a good teacher great? for 24 years. I have collected 26,000 responses from 8 different schools and patterns have emerged. For the last 24 years, he has repeatedly asked students the same question, "What makes a good teacher great?" Azul Terronez is the author of the best-selling book "The art of Apprenticeship" Azul has coached teachers and schools leaders around the world in Spain, Chile, Canada, India, United States and China and he is currently serves as a teacher coach at Shanghai American School.
The One Thing All Great Teachers Do | Nick Fuhrman | TEDxUGA
With this talk, Dr. Nick Fuhrman encourages us to recognize the profound personal impact that we can have on others — both in and out of the classroom. Dr. Nick Fuhrman is an associate professor of environmental education in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication. Also known as “Ranger Nick,” he teaches graduate courses in educational program development and data analysis and undergraduate courses in environmental education and teaching methods. Dr. Fuhrman received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Forestry from Virginia Tech and his PhD in Agricultural Education and Communication from the University of Florida. His life’s passion is teaching, and he often uses live animals (such as snakes, turtles, and owls) in the classroom and on his monthly television series, Ranger Nick. Dr. Fuhrman and his wife, Jessica, have a son, Miles, who already seems to love animals and the outdoors as much as his dad. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
What high schoolers think about the corruption and politics within schools
We spoke with five young students that are part of associations which deal with student rights and we found out how they would change the education system.
Avocatul Diavolului: Care credeţi că este principala problemă în sistemul de învăţământ?
Forum Europa FM: E posibilă o Românie educată?
E posibilă o Românie educată? Cât de repede se poate adapta sistemul public de învățământ la nevoile societății și la cerințele de pe piața muncii?