[Weekend Watch List] O plimbare printre fapte bune

[Weekend Watch List] O plimbare printre fapte bune

 Azi facem o plimbare într-un loc liniștit, unde nu există comentarii ostile, anxietăți sau dezbateri despre rochia premierului. Nu există nici întrebări despre democrație, Brexit, Trump sau legile justiției. Vă propunem o listă cu video-uri despre păduri, copaci, natura si modul in care oamenii se straduiesc sa o ajute sa supravietuiască. Locul de care vorbeam, de fapt, este acela al optimismului. Un spatiu in care se cauta solutii pentru a lupta cu poluarea si chiar se gasesc. Despre bacterii care se hranesc cu plastic, ferme care folosesc rate in loc de pesticide, ferme pe acoperisuri, păduri noi. Despre regenerarea planetei, dar si a perspectivei prin care privim lumea. 


Forest Man

 Since the 1970's Majuli islander Jadav Payeng has been planting trees in order to save his island. To date he has single handedly planted a forest larger than Central Park NYC. His forest has transformed what was once a barren wasteland, into a lush oasis.


50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything | Short Film Showcase

 Almost 50 years ago, fried chicken tycoon David Bamberger used his fortune to purchase 5,500 acres of overgrazed land in the Texas Hill Country. Planting grasses to soak in rains and fill hillside aquifers, Bamberger devoted the rest of his life to restoring the degraded landscape. Today, the land has been restored to its original habitat and boasts enormous biodiversity. Bamberger's model of land stewardship is now being replicated across the region and he is considered to be a visionary in land management and water conservation.


How one man created a forest in a cold desert

AD Negi is a retired bureaucrat. He has voluntarily planted and nurtured a 65 ha of lush green forest in a cold dessert area of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh.


How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory

 "Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos.


Iceland Is Growing New Forests for the First Time in 1,000 Years | Short Film Showcase

 The landscape of Iceland has changed a lot in a thousand years. When the Vikings first arrived in the ninth century, the land was covered in 25 to 40 percent forest.



How trees secretly talk to each other

The amazing science of the Wood Wide Web


Carbon: From Pollutant to Product | Moving Upstream

Most scientists consider carbon dioxide the primary culprit in climate change. But what if CO2 in the atmosphere could be converted from an invisible gas into products like bricks and shoes?


Deep Sea Fish Farming in Geodesic Domes: Upgrade

In this episode of Upgrade, Motherboard goes to Baja California, Mexico to get a firsthand look at these free floating pods, and to get an understanding for why we need better ways to cultivate our future food sources.


Underground farm grows 500 kinds of plants in Manhattan

 This underground farm in New York City doesn’t use soil or sunlight to grow its rare herbs and edible flowers.


Vertical Farming

There's a lot of science that goes on behind this agricultural trend. As humans learned to farm, we arranged plants outside in horizontal fields, and invented irrigation and fertilizer to grow bumper crops. But with modern technology and farmers’ cleverness, we can now stack those fields vertically, just as we stacked housing to make apartment buildings. Moving plants indoors has many benefits: Plants are not at the mercy of weather, less wilderness is cleared for farmland, and it’s easier to control the runoff of fertilizer and pesticides. But the choice of lighting can make or break the cost of a vertical farm and affect how long it might take for urban agriculture to blossom.


Growing Roots - This Farmer Is Taking Root On Your Rooftops // Discovery on Viddsee

This documentary showcases the people behind the urban farms that have been mushrooming amidst the glass and steel towers of Singapore’s central district. The film follows the trials and tribulations of Comcrop’s Allan Lim and his vertical faming venture, as well as the challenges and triumphs of social entrepreneur Bjorn Low and his bespoke farm-to-table approach. Can cutting-edge agricultural technology and an enduring Singapore spirit of community & collaboration start to influence Singaporeans’ approach to food sustainability? This film captures this changing mindscape.


This ancient Mexican farming method is revolutionising farming

Fishing for the food of the future. 


This High-Tech Farmer Grows Kale in a Factory

In the kale-filled facility at vertical farm startup Bowery Farming, it’s a piece of proprietary software that makes most of the critical decisions -- like when to harvest and how much to water each plant. But it still takes humans to carry out many tasks around the farm. Katie Morich, 25, loves the work. But as roboticists make gains, will her employer need her forever? This is the fourth episode of Next Jobs, a series about careers of the future hosted by Bloomberg Technology's Aki Ito.


Made in Israel: Agriculture

Gordon Robertson looks at Israel's remarkable agricultural innovation, with special focus on the role of the kibbutz in Israel's agricultural success, growing crops and orchards in desert, rocky land and swamps with hard work and ingenuity.


London's First Edible Insect Farm

 This is London's first edible insect farm.


Farmers across China, Japan, Iran and France are using ducks instead of pesticides

It might sound quackers but it's catching on.


The Future of Farming & Agriculture

Technology is revolutionizing farming. That's great news—by the year 2050 Earth's population will be 10 billion, so we need to almost double the amount of food we now produce.


5 Amazing RENEWABLE ENERGY Ideas & Solutions For The Future

Some amazing renewable energy projects. THUMBNAIL is the 3rd product in the video - Altaeros BAT. For more information follow the links below.


Plastic-Eating Fungus Has Been Discovered

A fungus can eat up harmful plastic in weeks rather than years!

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