[Weekend Watch List] În viitor, într-o lume fără ciocolată

[Weekend Watch List] În viitor, într-o lume fără ciocolată

In multe, ciudate, ingrozitoare, absurde, amuzante feluri si-au imaginat oamenii viitorul. Ca de la un punct incolo oamenii vor renunta sa isi mai bata capul cu lucruri frivole si vor decide sa se imbrace toti in uniforme de latex si sa manance pastile verzi. Sau ca vor renunta la emotii. Sau ca vor fi condusi de roboti malefici. Sau ca nu va mai supravietui nimeni. Sau ca ne vom intoarce la vremuri salbatice sau agrare. In fine, versiunile vremurilor viitoare cunosc o panoplie bogata de nuante, de la negru sumbru la roz auriu.

Cercetatorii vin cu un alt scenariu. Si pentru ca stiu ca oamenii se plictisesc de cum aud ”incalzire globala” sau ”schimbari climatice”, s-au folosit de lucruri pe care lumea le poate intege mai usor. Va fi o lume fara miere, cafea sau ciocolata. Si fara nisip. O lume in care vor fi multi, multi, multi, multi (multi, multi) oameni, care vor trai mai mult, in mai multe tari si le va fi cald. Si, ca sa fie si mai clar scenariul apocaliptic, au folosit chiar si o comediana care sa faca un film despre asta. 


What Could Happen in a World That's 4 Degrees Warmer | WIRED Brand Lab

Comedian Aparna Nancherla explores how global warming and climate change will directly affect our lives 100 years from now when the average global temperature is projected to increase by 4 degrees Celsius, or 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Nancherla met with Professor of Atmospheric Science at UC Berkeley, Inez Fung, and Chief Data Officer at Western Digital, Janet George to to make predictions about how we’ll live in a 4C World.


Knowledge Feed Published

With the earth’s core temperature rising due to global warming caused by the emission and entrapment of greenhouse gases, the planet’s climate is being thrown out of whack. It’s even beginning to affect how we produce crops. From the caffeine-rush of coffee to the creamy sweet goodness of chocolate, here are 17 foods that could potentially go extinct in our lifetime.


The World In 2050 [The Real Future Of Earth] – Full BBC Documentary 2018


What Will Happen to Humans Before 2050?

If you ever dream of being able to see the future, this video is something just for you. Nowadays you don't need to be a psychic to predict the future, sometimes it's enough to just analyze the present. Here're the events that are planned to happen or will probably happen by the year 2050. Those of you who have "visiting all the countries in the world" on their bucket list, you'll have more work to do, since new countries are likely to appear on the political map of the world in 2019. Tesla will manufacture more than half a million cars for the first time in the history of the company. By 2020, more than 6,1 billion people will be using smartphones all over the world. In more than half of the USA, solar energy will become more economical than usual electricity. By 2025, the population of Earth will reach 8 billion people. People's life expectancy will get longer and there will be 50 times more centenarians. By 2030, the area of the Arctic ice sheet will get extremely small. People will mass-produce artificial blood for transfusions. By 2035, solar activity will decrease by 1 percent, and as a result, Earth will experience a mini ice age. People will be able to widen the range of their senses using implants that will detect more signals such as X-rays, radio waves and others. By 2038, world population will reach the number of 9 billion people. In 2045, brain implants that people will use both for entertainments and for curing disabilities will become available. In 2050, first colonists might come to the Red Planet as a part of the Mars One project. The population of big cities will reach 6,3 billion people.


Overpopulation is exhausting Earth's natural resources

 Overpopulation is exhausting Earth's natural resources.



We Are Running Out of Sand. Yes. SAND.


Why the world is running out of sand

 The world is running out of sand — and there's a black market for it now.



Here's what's in your bottled water (Marketplace)

Ever wonder what's lurking in your bottled water? Marketplace asked a lab to test five of the top-selling brands of bottled water in Canada, and microplastics were found in all of them.


H2WOE India's Water Crisis: A Warning To The World

The Indian state of Punjab is undergoing a severe water crisis. Once an agricultural leader in India, it’s now turning into a desert. Farmers and other rural dwellers are going bankrupt over the need to pay for water delivered from other regions. In this drastic situation, the number of suicides has skyrocketed, but the authorities deny that people are killing themselves over the water shortage. Water has become a luxury for the people in the Indian state of Punjab. Thousands of villages here rely on water deliveries from elsewhere. People have to pay exorbitant prices for water that their state once had in abundance. Farmers can no longer afford to grow food, their crops are dying and they are left with enormous debts. The devastation has led many to take their own lives. Meanwhile the authorities turn a blind eye to the mass suicides.


The Yamuna, India's most polluted river

Guardian India correspondent Michael Safi takes a journey along the Yamuna river. Stretching 855 miles (1,375km) across the north of the country, at its source in the Himalayas its water is crystal clear.


Farmed Norwegian Salmon World’s Most Toxic Food

A look into farmed Salmon and Asian Panga.


This Concrete Dome Holds A Leaking Toxic Timebomb | Foreign Correspondent

Thousands of cubic metres of radioactive waste lies buried under a concrete dome on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the legacy of over a decade of US nuclear tests in the Pacific.


 It's time to rethink our addiction to plastic



Dying to breathe: Mongolia's polluted air | Unreported World

 The world's worst air: This week on Unreported World, while some of the air quality in the UK may be poor, imagine living in a place where air pollution can reach more than 100 times the accepted limit. That's the case in Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia. Marcel Theroux reports on how the world's worst air is causing a public health disaster.


ToxiCity: life at Agbobloshie, the world's largest e-waste dump in Ghana

E-waste, the term given to discarded electronic appliances, is often shipped by developed nations to poorer countries such as Ghana. RTD visits the country's most infamous dumping ground, Agbogbloshie. Locals call it “Sodom and Gomorrah” after the infamous Biblical sin cities. Its air and soil are polluted with toxic chemicals, while extreme poverty, child labour and criminal gangs are also rife


The Most Radioactive Places on Earth

 Who on Earth is exposed to the most ionizing radiation?


The huge mass of plastic waste floating in the Caribbean

Some New Year's resolution inspiration - cut down on plastic in 2018!



Diving through plastic in the ocean

A shocking video of a diver in Bali shows just how much plastic is floating in our oceans!




The impossible happened....wolves changed a river in the USA....find out how this is possible and why the rebalancing of our top predators can change an entire ecosystem.



How Earth Would Look If All The Ice Melted

We learned last year that many of the effects of climate change are irreversible. Sea levels have been rising at a greater rate year after year, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates they could rise by another meter or more by the end of this century.


Rising sea levels will cost the world $14 trillion annually by 2100



What If We Stopped Caring About Our Planet?

Let's heat up that planet.



What If Plastic Was Never Invented?

Only we humans make waste that nature can’t digest.


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