[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - McCann - Official Partner of the Everyday / Beko / Beko

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - McCann - Official Partner of the Everyday / Beko / Beko

Beko has launched a new long-term communications platform that will position the brand as the 'Official partner of the everyday'.

The Official partner of the everyday will establish Beko as a truly consumer centric brand that supports real peoples' needs every single day, whilst celebrating the kitchen as the heart of the home for modern families.The campaign is based on an understanding of real peoples' lives and needs, and the everyday frustrations they are having. Beko provides meaningful solutions through a wide range of fast and clever products that are flexible to the real needs of people at every stage of life and shows how people can rely on Beko as their everyday partner.




Project title: Official Partner of the Everyday
Brand: Beko
Client: Beko 



Agentie: McCann

Adrian Botan / Global Creative Director
Catalin Dobre / Executive Creative Director
Andres Vergara / Executive Creative Director
Simona Lazar / Copywriter
Adrian Rusu / Art Director
Diana Ceausu / Head of Strategy
Cristian Calinescu / Account Director


Shortlist Premiile FIBRA #1:

Shortlist FIBRA - Official Partner of The Everyday / 4.4 CRAFT - Film Craft

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