[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - DDB Romania - Say it with boodink / Coseli / Boodink

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - DDB Romania - Say it with boodink / Coseli / Boodink

Our task was to reposition a dusty pudding powder product and at the same time stand out in front of the main competitor: Dr. Oetker, a brand that's grabbed every piece of the retailers' shelves. Addressing directly to kids instead of their moms, unlike Dr. Oetker

SNA studies showed us that there are 53% pudding lovers, out of which 22.7% buy this dessert at least once per month. The same studies showed that the general pudding buyer is a traditional, informed and family person like, as opposed to the modern and experimenter kind of consumer at the other end of the chart. So we knew that there is a potential in the category, but the question was: how can we make the general pudding lovers switch to our product? The key was in their children's hands.

If the parent is the traditional one, then the kid is the experimenter. Our strategy was to address the product as a core target to children and set our secondary target, which also coincides with the decision maker at the shelf, the parent. Because many a times parents buy what the kids want and ask for (especially if we're not talking about a very healthy product or a powder instead of a real pudding).

Addressing their language - today's kids' conversations are taking place in unusual places and ways: mostly online, in a language that often has no words or just shortcuts (emoticons, "c u" versus "see you", memes and gifs).

It is a new language, a vocabulary truly specific to this young generation, perfect for the rapidity of how things go in 2016, a generation that not only quotes but exemplifies the fact that "an image equals a thousand words". Why not use their language to get to them?


Campaign Summary

We created a brand that is relating to the kids world in a truthful way. And the truth is that the new generation is building its social skills through conversations online on their phones, tablets and laptops. In order to continue their conversation and not interrupt it we decided to talk to kids on their language. That is why we created the first packaging series design that could blend naturally in the conversation. Every flavor of the product was associated with a different mood: strawberries with lovey, vanilla with tricky, caramel with winky and chocolate with frowny. The packaging is adaptable and can be used as a form of communication between kids or between parents and kids. Instead of saying something on the phone or through an old-school note you can say it with a boodink packaging.

As for design style: we chose to symbolize the beginning of the internet by simplifying the images from nowadays and taking them in the 8 bits area to the pixel level. We created a numbering scheme to have a base to start and build from: 4 | 8 | 16. 4 flavors of the product (chocolate, vanilla, strawberries, caramel); 4 moods (lovey, tricky, winky and frowny); 4 packaging per flavor = thus, we have 16 emojis each of them built from 16 pixels.


Target Audience

Nowadays kids are used to express their feelings through a book, movie, song or an image and in the past through an old-school note hidden in the back of their table desk.

And this is our core target: children who are 6 times more likely to play a video game on a typical day than to ride a bike (source), have snapchat as their preferred mode of communication and the situation of low batteries as their deepest fear (source). And this could be considered bad or good, depending on the perspective and the context, but we like to say that it is just a different generation and if we want to communicate with their members we have to learn their language and to adapt our message to their way and mediums.



The product in its new identity was just put on shelves one month and a half ago. Results are to come in the future months. The campaign is on air as we speaking. Results are to come in the next months.




Project title: Say it with boodink
Brand: Coseli
Client: Boodink



Agentie: DDB Romania

Alexandru Lazareanu / Head of Design
Dan Stanescu / Senior Copywriter
Costin Milu / Creative Director
Adelina Maritiu / Strategic Planner
Miruna Macsoda / Strategic Planner
Simina Leotescu / Head of Strategy
Roxana Memetea /Managing Partner

Agentie de media: Media Investment

Crina Bibicu / Media Director


Shortlist Premiile FIBRA #1:

Shortlist FIBRA - Say it with boodink / 3.4 PRINT - Packaging

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