[Premiile FIBRA #1] Silver FIBRA - McCann - Best part of pizza / Pizza Hut / KFC Romania

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Silver FIBRA - McCann - Best part of pizza / Pizza Hut / KFC Romania

Campaign Summary

When Pizza Hut introduced Super Pan, a crust whose edge is filled with delicious cheese and tomato sauce, just TALKING about the new recipe through ATL channels didn't break through the clutter. Our task was to PROVE the qualities of the new recipe by communicating it as a solution for those who abandon their crust edges in the box. We created a special pizza and a special delivery box that highlighted the best part of Super Pan: JUST the crust edges. 'Edge Pizza', crust edges so good that you can eat them without needing the actual pizza.




Case Study


Project title: Best part of pizza
Brand: Pizza Hut 
Client: KFC Romania



Agentie: McCann Romania

Adrian Botan / Global Creative Director
Catalin Dobre / Executive Creative Director
Dinu Panescu / Group Creative Director
Arpad Rezi / Art Director
Simona Geaca / Account Manager


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Silver FIBRA / Best part of pizza / 3.4 PRINT - Packaging

Silver FIBRA / Best part of pizza / 7.1 MEDIA - Creative Use of Media

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