[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA - GMP Group - Misspellings On Sale / Westwood / DOMO

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA - GMP Group - Misspellings On Sale / Westwood / DOMO

Domo, a Romanian home appliances retailer, had a small budget and huge stocks of Westwood products, their private label brand. We needed to grab people's attention and clear out the stock in a period saturated with other discounts from bigger spenders.

The strategy was to create an innovative promotion by repackaging our discounts as buzz-worthy price cuts for misspelled products. So, one morning, Domo's website slipped a misspelling in the name of a product .It was not an ordinary misspelling.

By changing one letter, "Rufe"(Clothes) Washing Machine became "Fufe"(Bimbos) Washing Machine. And, as expected, all hell broke loose.


Campaign Summary

One letter changed in the name of the product stirred immediate controversy in social media with leading TV stations, websites and blogs propagating the news for free.

Westwood's CEO took responsibility and came out with a public statement: "We all make mistakes, but at Domo we pay for ours. With huge discounts on Westwood products."

After the public announcement, all the products on Domo's website were renamed. They all had funny misspellings, each with big matching discounts.

TV stations, websites, and influential bloggers highly appreciated our reaction as an act of courage in the dull Romanian retail industry.

The promotion spread through online banners, Facebook posts, misspelled radio commercials, contextual unconventional OOH branding mistakes throughout the city, misspelled packaging, short misspelled video ads, a misspelled catalogue and loads of social media debates.

Meanwhile, on Domo's website and stores, people hunted the misspelled products not only to
laugh at the wording but also to get the biggest discounts on the market.

The "Misspellings on Sale" campaign was a simple and lateral solution to repackage in an attention-grabbing way the typical price discount promotions.

We invented a reason why prices should be cut, as an equitable trade-off for misspelled product names.

Target Audience

The campaign addressed all Romanians, from all walks of life. And as word-of-mouth was key, we targeted especially KOLs: bloggers, vloggers, etc.


25,000 users were simultaneously browsing Domo's website after the first misspelling;

200% increase in daily traffic on the website compared to the previous period;

260,000 new user accounts created on the period of the promotion;

Our SEO ranking was hugely boosted due to misspellings' massive sharing;

On August 31st, after 1 month of misspellings, we ran out of stalk. Sorry, stock.





Project Title: Misspellings On Sale 
Brand: Westwood
Client: DOMO


Agentie: GMP Group

Mihai Gongu / Creative Director
Ioana Munteanu / Group Creative Director
Andrei Mihailescu / Copywriter
Florian Nistor / Senior Art Director
Radu Rebei / Art Director
Bogdan Danailescu / Senior Art Director
Dana Pascu / Senior Strategic Planner
Alexandra Mihus / Senior Account Manager
Cristiana Belodan / Client Service Director
Andreea Nemens / General Manager
Corina-Maria Scheianu / Social Media Manager


Premiul obtinut la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Gold FIBRA / Misspellings On Sale / 10.2 PR - Media Relations

Silver FIBRA / Misspellings On Sale / 6 INTEGRATED

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