Ted Royer (Executive Creative Director, Droga5) decided to work in advertising when he realised he had already seen everything television had to offer. What he loves about advertising is the fact that people make him laugh all day long, that sometimes his aunts share with him links leading to his own work and the fact that this industry is about people and undeniable human insights.
Ted won more One Show Pencil Awards than any other begining ad man and has since added to his portofolio 50 other advertising awards, including Lions, Pencils or Clios for clients such as HP, Unilever, Nike and ESPN.
In the AdStory interview he talks about how it is like to work in advertising, how Little Caesar’s Pizza commercials influenced him and other juicy aspects of his youth.
I grew up on the streets … more like the yards of suburban Pennsylvania. Very safe, very nice, very boring.
As a child, I dreamt of becoming Superman. Then the comic book artist that draws Superman.
The craziest thing I did in highschool was wrecking three different cars in 6 months. Wasn’t drunk either.
In college I was the guy who smoked weed and wished hot blonde girls slept with me.
What is great about our agency is that everyone is nice and funny. If you aren’t both, you don’t really feel it.
My relationship status with advertising: Into light bondage and spanking.
I decided I wanted to work in advertising when I realized I had done nothing for years except watch TV. I knew TV.
What is great about working in advertising is that people make you laugh all day.
The work I am most proud of is Net10, Puma, Prudential
The most rewarding moment in my career was when my Aunt sent me a link to something I had done, and didn’t realize I had done it.
My favorite place to fish insights from is people’s misfortunes and misery.
Great creative campaigns have in common the undeniable human truth.
The best clients are the ones that allow us to succeed or fail on our ideas, the ones who hold us accountable yet let us really strive.
The worst clients are the ones that decide things based on fear more than anything else. Fear ruins everything.
I feel most frustrated when I have fucked up but haven’t admitted it to myself yet.
In my opinion, the best creative works ever are: The albums of the Beatles, the comic art of Jack Kirby, 2001 a Space Odyssey, Patton Oswalt’s stand-up comedy, Monty Python, Kids in the Hall... This question is insane. The list goes on and on.
Favorite TV spots? Much easier question. Nike "Move" – simply the best Nike spot ever, pure, simple and universal.
Halo "Believe"- a mock-serious, totally moving look at a ridiculous video game.
Epic. Little Ceasar’s Pizza ads of the ealy 90’s – the reason I am in advertising.
I played a branded online golf game from Callaway for hours. I guess that makes it the best one for me… Uniqlo does great stuff, Old Spice was pretty fun… I thought BMW films would spawn more imitators.
The Aspen ads from Cole and Weber in the 90s. They blew out the lines between headlines and copy, tossed art direction conventions in the air and created art.
The best piece of advice I ever received from someone in the industry is take the job you are afraid of.
In my browser history you can find The Huffington Post, AdScam, Facebook, CampaignBrief, Apple Movie Trailers, The Onion, Brownstoner.com, baby websites and porn.
Here’s a picture of me after nailing a triple axel in the One Club’s "Best Ads on Ice" Celebration.