Clienții noștri au povești mișto de spus, art directorii au talent din plin, doar tu mai lipsești să și punem asta în cuvinte. Deci, dacă îți place să scrii, să deslușești briefuri provocatoare și să dai... vezi detalii »
Job-uri deschise in cadrul Copywriter
Copywriter @ Line Agency
We’re looking for an experience copywriter with a passion for big ideas. A creative thinker who thrives on concept development and big ideas. What we’d love to see: A strategic mindset—someone... vezi detalii »
Copywriter @ McCann
We are looking for someone with the right combination of strategic thinking and artistic skills who has the passion for digital-first ideas in their DNA. A skilled Copywriter with Digital and ATL experience, able to... vezi detalii »
Junior Copywriter @ DIGI
Nu căutăm poeți neînțeleși, ci pe cineva care știe să scrie clar, simplu și cu impact. Ce vei face? Vei dezvolta texte care prind pe social media. Vei genera idei alături de restul echipei creative... vezi detalii »
Senior Copywriter @ White Image
Calling all word wizards! What if we told you that the pioneers of Romania’s email marketing scene— the trailblazers of creativity and bold ideas, now part of a multinational powerhouse is hunting... vezi detalii »
Art Director @ Line Agency
Are you an Art Director (mid or senior level) with a passion for crafting captivating concepts, visual storytelling, and creating memorable brand experiences? Then it’s you that we’re looking... vezi detalii »