![[Juratii FIBRA #2] Soomean Chang (Freelance Creative Director): Ma vad revenind intr-o agentie cu focus pe digital sau tech. Traim vremuri interesante pentru ambele categorii](https://media.iqads.ro/2017/10/img-9314-bw1-cover-410.jpg)
Articole care fac referire la Bozell
Trimite-ne noile creatii Bozell
![[Juratii FIBRA #2] Soomean Chang (Freelance Creative Director): Ma vad revenind intr-o agentie cu focus pe digital sau tech. Traim vremuri interesante pentru ambele categorii](https://media.iqads.ro/2017/10/img-9314-bw1-cover-410.jpg)
![[FIBRA #2 Jury] Soomean Chang (Freelance Creative Director): I see myself coming back to work in an agency that's focused on digital or tech. Both areas are seeing some exciting times](https://media.iqads.ro/2017/10/img-9314-bw-cover-410.jpg)
[FIBRA #2 Jury] Soomean Chang (Freelance Creative Director): I see myself coming back to work in an agency that's focused on digital or tech. Both areas are seeing some exciting times

Melanj de 8 creativi din (mai) toate colturile lumii. Juriul complet al festivalului local de creativitate Premiile FIBRA, editia a doua
![[FIBRA Jury] Kevin Brady (ECD, Droga5): It took me a long time to realize this, but I’ve noticed that agencies are incredibly reflective of their founders](https://media.iqads.ro/2016/03/1920-kbrady-1-1133x637-cover-410.jpg)