AdJob - Recruitment service dedicated to the marcom industry

AdJob is the IQads & SMARK recruitment service dedicated to the marcom industry.
[communication, digital, e-commerce, sales, pr, social media, marketing, research, design, UX/UI, Video Production and BTL]

The cost for one position is: 200 euro.
The cost includes promoting the opening in our newsletter and on the IQads, IQads News & SMARK social media accounts. (see bellow *benefits)
The opening is displayed and promoted for 45 days.



- Most companies/ agencies find a suitable candidate in less than 3 weeks.
- Our applicants' quality is very high, with more than 75 applications on average per opening.

 We recruit marketing/ communication/ research people for:

companies like
Allegro/Naspers - eMag, OLX, FashionDays, Arctic/Beko, Allianz Tiriac, IBM, Philips, Nestle, P&G, Ursus Brewries, Pernod-Ricard, Heineken, Vodafone, Orange, Telekom, HelpNet, Flanco, Altex, British American Tabacco, E.ON, KPMG, Kaufland, Cramele Recas, Fares, Mega Image, Therme,,  L'Oreal, ING, Raiffeisen, Groupama, Samsung, Viacom, Electrolux, Red Bull, B&B Collection, Hertz Romania, F64, Kanal D, Microsoft etc

all communication groups
Ogilvy, DDB, LeoBurnett, McCann, FCB, MullenLowe, Publicis, Centrade, Geometry Global, JWT, The Group, Propaganda,  gmp Group etc



>> One off
The cost of publishing one opening is 200 euro.
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:

2 openings ordered together: 380 euro
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment: 

3 openings ordered together: 540 euro
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:

4 openings ordered together: 680 euro
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:

5 openings ordered together: 800 euro
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:

6 openings ordered together: 900 euro
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:

>> 12 Pack 
Posting 10 company openings within a maximum 12 month period. 
Cost for the pack: 1200 euro.
Payment link: 
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:

>> Unlimited
The cost for publishing all marcom openings within the company is
 --> 1800 euro.
Payment link:
[RO company/with VAT] - Online/ card payment:
[EU company / non VAT] - Online/ card payment:


Flow/ Legal:

PO and/or email order + your billing details.
In case you also need an agreement:


Implementation flow:

A job posting must include the following:

  • Job/ Opening title  [here are some examples]
  • Criteria:
    Level: Entry Level, Middle or Senior
    Job Type: Full Time, Part Time or Remote
  • Requirements for the role:
    Job description, 
    Tasks descriptions, 
    Required skills,
    [The text must not include the CONTACT/ EMAIL ADDRESS where those interested will apply]
  • Company Logo:
    The Logo must be square, JPG format, minimum size 300x300.
  • Email address where applicants' CV must be submitted when applying from the IQads platform.
    or, in case the company has a form for application submitting, Link to the form where CVs must be uploaded.

>> The job openings sent before 18:00 are published in the same day.
>> The ones after 18:00 are published in the next working day.

Contact adress: / Attn: Andrei Barbu


The service benefits:

  • Large selection base: IQads is in the center of the Romanian`s biggest marcom industry, being an interest for all the people engaged in advertising and production, and also for those interested in design, foto, architecture, acting etc. [see detailed audience]
  • Various and relevant CV`s - The applications received have a better match with the requirements than on generalist sites.
  • Quick reaction: Job openings can be unlisted before the expiration date if the right candidate is found.


Promoting an opening:

Publishing within the dedicated page

Each opening is amplified, during the 45 days time frame, through:
>> Posting the opening on IQads, on the right column, on every IQads page
(AdJob openings are highlighted on the first of the two columns / right side of the page)
>> Posting the opening (title + period + first few words) in the AdJob section and in the sections related to the required experience.
>> Promoting through the IQads & SMARK social media accounts:
over 125,ooo fans IQads, Facebook
over 20,000 fans IQadsNews, Facebook
over 12,000 fans SMARK, Facebook 
and over 8,000 fans IQads & SMARK, LinkedIn
>> Including every active opening in the editorial newsletter (15.000 active subscribers) / on average, over 3 appearances in the IQads editorial newsletter


Exposure for each opening (Photo gallery)

Every opening is displayed in the specified areas.
[See list] from the gallery below.


Contact details: / Attn: Andrei Barbu 


IQads & SMARK services for:

>>  Agencies >> PR Agencies | >> Brands and companies

Online Payment Options: Payment links

Legal Info: Blue Idea Online (IQads & SMARK) collaboration agreement 


Editorial policy | Media partnerships |About usContact