
Un sistem prin se cumpara apatiu publicitar TV in cadrul unei licitatii. Sub acest sistem, spatiul poate fi vandut la un numar de rate indicat pentru o anumita pauza publicitara sau segment de timp. Cumparatorul va alege rata la care vrea sa cumpere pentru un spot, dar poate pierde daca un alt comparator plateste mai mult si el nu doreste sa ridice miza. Teoria din spatele acestui proces este ca pretul final va fi stability in functie de cerere. Exista, de asemenea, dreptul postului de a anula/intrerupe un program pentru a difuza o transmisiune speciala.

A system of buying TV airtime in an auction. Under this system, airtime can be sold at any one of a number of quoted rates for a given commercial break or time segment. The buyer will elect which rate he wishes to pay for a spot but he can lose the spot if "pre-empted" by another buyer subsequently willing to pay more for the spot unless he is prepared to raise his stake. The theory behind this system is that the final cost will be governed by demand. Also the right of a station or network to cancel a regular programme to run a special programme or news.