Diffusion of Innovation

Ideea ca unele grupuri de pe o piata sunt mai pregatite si isi doresc mai mult sa isi insuseasca un nou produs mai mult decat altele si ca produsul este difuzat in valuri in societate; grupurile care sunt mai pregatite sa adopte noi produse sunt reprezentate de inovatorii (2,5% din populatie), adoptantii timpurii (13,5%), majoritatea timpurie (34%), majoritatea tarzie (34%), codasii (16%).

The idea that some groups within a market are more ready and willing to adopt a new product than others and that the product is diffused through a society in waves; the groups, in order of their readiness to adopt are innovators (2.5 percent of the population), early adopters (13.5 percent), early majority (34 percent), late majority (34 percent) and laggards (16 percent).

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