White Square International Festival of Creativity 2025 announced the early bird deadline

White Square International Festival of Creativity 2025 announced the early bird deadline

White Square, one of the international creativity festivals recognised throughout the world, calls for entries. For more than 15 years White Square Festival has been promoting creativity, encourages bold ideas that move the advertising industry forward, supports innovative solutions, creative effectiveness of projects, shares the principles of socially responsible marketing, peacefulness and stands for universal human values. Every year over a thousand entries from more than 35 countries take part in White Square Festival, demonstrating bright and innovative ideas.

The best fees for entries submission are valid until January 20, 2025. The final deadline for submission is April 28, 2025.

Entries for White Square Festival 2025 are accepted online in 247 nominations, which are updated annually in accordance with the current trends and tendencies of the global communications industry, in eight contests:


White Square Festival provides international project expertise at the highest global level thanks to international jury line-up, the brightest minds from more than 45 countries with invaluable experience in judging prestigious festivals and numerous awards around the world. Every year, the jury members celebrate the high level of entries and the organization of judging process of the Festival. Ali Rez, Executive Creative Director of Impact BBDO MENA, UAE, winner of the highest awards of Cannes Lions, multiple Chairman of Creative Jury of such festivals as Cannes Lions, White Square and other prestigious festivals of creativity around the world, once noted: "Advertising festivals are extremely useful because they not only promote creativity as an industry, but also inspire and motivate creatives to create all the best projects. This is the wave that lifts all boats. White Square annually demonstrates a collection of the best works that certainly deserve recognition and promotion".

The main judging criteria are the creative idea and its implementation. In some contests, one of the key points is the effectiveness of creative solutions.

The White Square Festival awards are highly regarded around the world and the winners' entries are widely covered in numerous industrial mass media. The publications contribute to the promotion of agencies and the best creative ideas in the international community, facilitating the exchange of experience and inspiration among industry professionals from different countries.

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