Unconscious Humans. This could be a title for the present times, thinks Marko Brajovic. Marko is an architect, creative director and researcher, graduated at Instituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia with a Master Degree in Genetic Architecture at UIC and DigitalArts at UPF, Barcelona. Inspired by nature as technology and ancestral knowledge, he is a founder and Creative Director at Atelier Marko Brajovic, a multidisciplinary architecture, master plan and design firm in São Paulo. Marko is also a Global Community Professor at University of Monterrey, School of Architecture and Habitat Sciences, a co-director of Architectural Visiting School Amazon and founder of platform Design by Nature advanced R&D programs in Atlantic and Amazon Rainforest.
Marko is coming this year to the Unfinished Festival, which will be held in Bucharest, from September 27 to 29. This year's theme of the festival is Praxis: connecting theory with practice and how we can transform ourselves from receivers to creators. The only way to participate in UNFINISHED is by completing an application and a selection process carried out by the festival organizers.
We talk with Marko about architecture, nature and people’s relationship with their surrounding spaces.
Key moments in your development
I believe in process and from my childhood treehouses to my academic formation, digital arts moments, spiritual travels and further to my deep forest experiences with indigenous culture, all those and others life experiences articulated the growth and development of my worldview and creative expressions. And I am still learning every day.
If your life were divided into chapters, what would they be called
Barefoot Adriatic, Labirints of Venice, Blurcelona, My Bamboo Teacher, Amazon Temple.
How has your perspective on your role changed
At the beginning I thought I had a professional, but now I see that I have a mission.
People’s relationship with their surrounding spaces
From analog to digital and from digital to eco-spiritual..
People’s needs in 2024
Visions of possible futures.
How do you envision public spaces in the future
Include non-human people in our public spaces. Public places not made only for humans, but we need to enlarge our perception, solidarity and finally design spaces for other species. Mutuality and partnership with trees, flushes, birds, mammals, mycelium…bees… are the only way to design a real “public space”.
Unfinished. Thoughts and Expectations
I am coming to Romania following my feeling, with an open heart to share and to learn. What's led me to participate is that it was meant to be.
Praxis means to me a call to action. And I like Unfinished as it inspires a process oriented perspective of creativity.
The biggest challenges society faces in 2024
How do you maintain your optimism
Prototyping possible futures.
A name for this period we’re living
Unconscious Humans.