White Square International Festival of Creativity announced the Creative jury

White Square International Festival of Creativity announced the Creative jury

White Square International Festival of Creativity, one of the most recognized festivals in the professional community around the world, which annually brings together representatives of agencies and brands from more than 35 countries, has announced the CREATIVE JURY.

In 2024, White Square Festival's entries will be evaluated by six international jury line-ups, represented by the brightest personalities forming the modern model of marketing communications, winners of numerous awards in the field of creativity, as well as experienced jury members of leading international festivals.

The jury line-ups in accordance with their personal competencies will evaluate Creative, Branding, Marketing Services, Marketing Effectiveness, Media, Digital, Craft, Mass Media Contests - 243 nominations in total, which cover the whole spectrum of marketing, communications, branding and creative industries. Grand Prix of the Festival will be traditionally determined by the Grand Jury, which will be represented by the chairmen of all jury line-ups. The high level of judging, professional competence and impartiality in the evaluation of entries are ones of the strongest aspects of White Square Festival.

This jury panel will evaluate projects in the CREATIVE CONTEST: 69 nominations in Film, Print, Radio & Audio, Outdoor, Integrated, Branded Content & Entertainment, Creative Use of Media, as well as in the new Film. Sectors, Print. Sectors, Outdoor. Sectors. The main criteria for evaluating entries are the creative idea and its realization. In some contests one of the key criteria is the efficiency of creative solutions.

The call for entries is open and will end on May 3, with discounted participation fees available until March 31. Entries can be submitted online by uploading them to the Festival's website.

The winning entries of White Square Festival 2024 will be published in numerous industry media outlets around the world, helping to promote agencies and the best ideas in the international creative community.

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