White Square Festival extended deadline till may 15

White Square Festival extended deadline till may 15

White Square International Festival of Creativity announced the extension of the entries submitting deadline till May 15.

Annually agencies from 35+ countries of the world, including Europe, the USA, China, the MENA region, CIS countries, Asia, Latin America and others declare their entries worthy of White Square awards.

Representatives of communication, marketing, advertising, branding, digital and PR agencies, design studios are welcome to present their outstanding projects implemented from January 1, 2022 to April 28, 2023 in the international arena.

Participants can submit their projects online in 205 nominations in 8 categories:


White Square Festival, promoting creativity, highly values fresh ideas and people in the advertising and creative industry, shares the principles of socially responsible marketing, peacefulness and defends universal human values.

The jury of White Square 2023 is represented by professionals with international recognition in the advertising industry, numerous awards and experience of judging prestigious creativity festivals around the world. 4 international jury line-ups will begin to evaluate the entries on May 17.

The major judging criteria are the creativity of the idea, as well as the quality of its implementation. In some contests, one of the key points is the effectiveness of creative solutions.

The winning entries will be published on the website of White Square Festival and industrial resources of more than 30 countries around the world. Finalists and prizewinners will receive diplomas, and the winners – the precious statuettes, which confirm the authors' professional achievements in the sphere of creativity.

To submit the entries participants need to register on the website, fill out the application, go through the process of submitting in personal cabinet in the selected nominations.

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