Focus on triggers in your video marketing strategy in 2023

Focus on triggers in your video marketing strategy in 2023

Unlock the potential of your video marketing with triggers. It’s time to harness the power of psychology and captivate your audience with every video you produce by creating an engaging and memorable experience for them.


Video marketing is a crucial part of any successful marketing strategy in 2023, but how do you make your videos stand out in a crowded market? The answer is simple: triggers.


“At PixToon we know what makes a good video to be efficient, we know what you want to get from it. Increase your sales, brand awareness, improve your customer retention, even simply inform your customers about your company specifics.
After dozens of characters created and thousands of case studies we went through, we noticed what triggers the audience, how their brains process it all - it’s all about the psychology.
Human brain remembers the patterns, colors and the emotions caused by these.", Vladimir Zaraceanschi, PixToon Team.

More details here.


"The more triggers your video contains - the higher are the chances to keep your audience following you. This is exactly what we do here at PixToon. Moreover, we keep the consistency with each video, seeding the triggers in your targeted audience up until we get the desired results."


Triggers are stimuli that evoke a specific response or emotion. In video marketing, they can take the form of animated graphics, sound effects, or other visual cues. By including triggers in your videos, you can enhance the overall viewing experience and make a lasting impression on your audience. The key is to choose triggers that align with your brand and message. For example, if you're promoting a new product, you might use an animated trigger to showcase its unique features and benefits. Or, if you're promoting a sale, you could use a sound effect to create a sense of urgency.


One of the key benefits of incorporating triggers into your videos is increased engagement. Triggers help to grab your audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout the video. This can lead to higher view counts, more shares, and ultimately, a more successful video marketing campaign.


Another advantage of using triggers is the ability to create a stronger emotional connection with your audience. By evoking specific emotions through triggers, you can create a memorable experience for your viewers and leave a lasting impression.

Here, take a quick look at our showreel of works we implanted triggers and easter eggs in.


In conclusion, using triggers in your video marketing strategy is a must if you want to stay ahead of the game. By tapping into the power of psychology, increasing engagement, creating an emotional connection with your audience, and enhancing the overall viewing experience, you can captivate your audience and drive real results. So, why wait? Start incorporating triggers into your videos today and see the difference for yourself.

Not sure where to start? Ping our experts and we’ll guide you through the entire process of getting your pitch perfect video and whole lot more around it.

Follow us on Instagram for more video content ideas and industry tips and tricks.

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