Dr. Gabor Maté, the famous bestselling author of  "When the body says NO" is coming to Romania at BRAND MINDS

Dr. Gabor Maté, the famous bestselling author of  "When the body says NO" is coming to Romania at BRAND MINDS

On the 17th of June 2022 Dr. Gabor Maté is coming to Romania as a speaker at one of the most important events of the year: BRAND MINDS 2022, held in Bucharest, at Romexpo.

World famous authors, outstanding researchers, and brilliant business people come to BRAND MINDS conferences every year to provide the most relevant and up-to-date content for professional and personal development. And this edition is no exception, with 7 outstanding speakers confirmed so far.

The team’s decision to bring Dr. Gabor Maté for BRAND MINDS 2022’s edition came naturally, considering his highly respected work and research on hidden stress and its impact on organisations and people.

Gabor Maté has over 20 years of research & clinical experience, he was awarded with the Order of Canada, and he is highly renowned for his bestselling book: “When the body says NO”. The book ranked No.1 in 2021 for the “Books published for the 1st time in Romania” category, and sold out its 1st edition before it came out of print, according to its publisher, Curtea Veche.

Furthermore, Dr.Maté’s international recognition amplified tremendously after the release of the scientific documentary “The wisdom of Trauma '' a film that exposes the risks of hidden stress which turned into an incredible success, with over 5.000.000 people from 230 countries, who watched it.

In addition to Dr. Maté’s participation to the event, BRAND MINDS 2022 brings 6 more experts on the stage, on 17th and 18th of June:

  1. GARY VAYNERCHUK - CEO VaynerMedia - Investor & Entrepreneur
  2. JORDAN B. PETERSON - World Famous Psychologist & Bestselling Author
  3. DANIEL PINK - #1NY Times Bestselling Author & Sales Expert
  4. JONAH BERGER - Consumer Behavior Expert
  5. WHITNEY JOHNSON - Team Performance Expert
  6. ANGELA OGUNTALA - Futurist & Innovation Expert

More details and tickets are available on brandminds.ro

BRAND MINDS - The Global Thinkers Business Summit is a company of premium conferences and one of the TOP 5 - largest business conferences in Europe.

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