White Square announced the Chairmen of Jury. All jury categories have started judging

White Square announced the Chairmen of Jury. All jury categories have started judging

On June 15, the judging of entries of one of the largest creative events in Europe, XII International advertising festival White Square, which this year takes place online, was launched. In total, 937 entries from agencies from 31 countries of the world applied for festival awards. Along with regular participants from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Sweden, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, despite the ongoing global corona crisis there are submissions from agencies from China, India, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina.  

The judging process will take place in two stages: from June 15 to 22 preselection of the works will take place, and on June 24-26 in the format of online conferences with live discussion of works jury sessions will be held. The Chairmen who will lead the work of their jury teams are honored masters of the industry of communications, branding, marketing, digital, media, who have collected many prestigious industrial awards and extensive judging experience at leading international creativity festivals:

Creative Jury Chairman
Evgeny Primachenko
Creative Director at Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam

Branding Jury Chairman
Mário Mandacaru
Creative Partner at A Equipa


Digital Jury Chairman
Marko Edfelt
Partner & Board Member at Drama Queen

Marketing Jury Chairman
Edson Athayde
CEO & CCO at FCB Lisboa


Media Jury Chairman
Alexander Papkov
Technology Director at Media Direction Group


Change for Good Jury Chairman
Mihail Perlovsky
Creative Director at ANYBODYHOME!

On June 29, short lists in contest categories Creativity, Branding, Marketing, Creative Effectiveness, Media, Digital, Change for Good will be published on official website of the festival adfest.by. Holders of gold, silver, bronze awards, as well as White Square 2020 Grand Prix will be announced at awards ceremony on July 9, which will be broadcasted live all over the world.

This year two special jury line-ups will work at White Square international festival: Mass Media jury and a line-up of Young Creators jury. Traditionally, mass media jury plays significant role evaluating the contests from the point of view of the journalists.


Mass Media Jury Chairman
Ghada Azzi
Managing Editor at ArabAd


Young Creators Contest Jury Chairman
Victoria Efimova
PR-Director & Co-founder littleMORE

The organizers prepared a wide-ranging business program that will be broadcasted online for two days – July 7 and 8 – and will include more than 80 master classes, as well as discussion panels, in which headliners will talk about current trends, innovative insights and creative ideas in the field of communications, advertising, marketing, branding, media, reflecting the changing market realities. Among the headliners are Edson Athayde, CEO & CCO at FCB Lisboa, PortugalTijmen Mulder, Co-founder at Robot Kittens, The NetherlandsAnna Lukanina, Managing Partner at Depot, RussiaFrancesc Moreto, Designer at Interbrand Madrid, SpainJulia Dovlatova, Executive Creative Director at Geometry Prague, Czech RepublicFolker Wrage, CEO at Leavingstone, Georgia / SwitzerlandAndrey Dligach, Head of Advanter Group, Ukraine; Dorottya Toth, Senior Copywriter at DDB Budapest, Hungary, representatives of China Advertising Association and many more.

Everyone who is interested to broaden their expertise in the world of marketing, creativity and branding are welcomed to take part. 

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