Time To Win… Time! White Square has announced the festival’s date change

Time To Win… Time! White Square has announced the festival’s date change

Having analyzed the forecasts of development of global Coronavirus outbreak, the organizing committee of International advertising festival White Square – one of the largest creative events in Eastern Europe, for many years opening international festival season and uniting in Minsk the representatives of communications industry from more than 30 countries – has taken the decision to postpone the dates of the 12th festival. This news was reported on March 16 by Alena Ustinovich, The Chairman of Board of Association of Communications and Marketing Agencies of Belarus, producer of White Square festival:

“We hope for progress in the fight against this new virus and stabilization of situation caused by it in different spheres of life in different countries. At the moment, we have decided to postpone the dates of upcoming White Square to June. Exact dates will be announced in mid-April. We plan to preserve usual format of the festival with its planned competition, educational and cultural programs that will be modernized and strengthened taking into account current trends taking place around the world. In addition, we decided to accept the projects devoted to the theme of combating the epidemic and the consequences of coronavirus, into Change for Good nomination for free. Examples of such works are already there, the first were colleagues from China Advertising Association with ‘Be strong, China!’ campaign”.  


Deadline of the call for entries, scheduled for late March, is postponed until May 31. Entries are being accepted online on official website adfest.by into 7 contest categories:  

CREATIVE: Film, Print, Radio & Audio, Outdoor, Integrated, Branded Content and Entertainment;
BRANDING: Communication Design, Packaging Design, Digital & Interactive Design;
MARKETING: Brand Experience & Activation, PR, Direct, Innovations;
MEDIA: Channels, Excellence in Media, Media Campaign;
DIGITAL: Digital, Mobile, Creative Data;

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