MARK MANSON is joining BRAND MINDS 2020!

MARK MANSON is joining BRAND MINDS 2020!

Author of two #1 New York Times bestsellers

Mark Manson’s first book, The subtle art of not giving a f*ck was released in 2016 and questioned our conventional wisdom on what makes us happy.

Powered by word-of-mouth, the book took off in a matter of months and was included in the New York Times Bestsellers list at #1 selling 9 million copies to date.

The book has been translated into 30 languages and reached #1 in 14 countries.

At the time of this article, The subtle art of not giving a f*ck has been on the list for 163 weeks where it now sits at #5.

“Resilience, happiness and freedom come from knowing what to care about--and most importantly, what not to care about. This is a masterful, philosophical and practical book that will give readers the wisdom to be able to do just that.” - Ryan Holiday, New York Times bestselling author of The Obstacle is the Way and Ego is the Enemy

In 2019, Mark published Everything is f*cked. Questioning our assumptions on what makes life worth living, the book went straight to #1 on the New York Times bestsellers list.

“Mark Manson has succeeded in explaining a crazy world to an entire generation by invoking hard science, moral philosophy, and gobs of hilarious wit. This book is guaranteed to make you laugh, question your beliefs, and (hopefully) change your life.”
Nir Eyal, Bestselling Author of Hooked and Indistractable


Mark Manson is not an overnight success. He set out to become a writer and worked for his goal for twelve years. His writing flows effortlessly off the page because it is the result of continuous style crafting, looking to strike a balance between stories, psychological insights and irreverent jokes.


He runs, one of the largest independent publishing sites in the world

In 2009, Mark started blogging as a way to promote his online businesses and soon the blog took on a life of its own.

His counterintuitive approach to living a good life and his blunt to-the-point writing style are a powerful combination which earned him a large readership.

Mark now runs one of the largest personal growth websites in the world,, a blog with more than 2 million monthly readers and 500.000 subscribers, making him one of the largest and most successful independent publishers in the world.


Mark Manson’s Negative Self-Help - a new sub-genre of personal development

His writing is often described as ‘self-help for people who hate self-help’. At the core of his philosophy lies a fresh new approach called the Negative Self-Help.

What is Negative Self-Help about?

It’s about living a more satisfying and meaningful life by letting go of all the incorrect assumptions we have accumulated throughout our life and accepting that everything meaningful in this world requires struggle and sacrifice.

His approach is authentic and has struck a chord with people around the globe.

I like to say that I've declared a new sub-genre of personal development based on solid science, pragmatic applications, and a bit of old fashioned “go f*ck yourself” wisdom. I sometimes think of it as Negative Self-Help—an approach to personal growth that’s not based on what feels good, but rather on what feels bad. Because getting good at feeling bad is what allows us to feel good.
Mark Manson


Working with Hollywood star Will Smith on his self-help/memoir book

In 2018, Hollywood star Will Smith took to social media to announce starting work on his first book, a self-help/memoir. To help him write his book, Will enlisted Mark Manson’s help. The duo’s book is expected to be released in 2021.

Ready to improve your personal development?

Come to BRAND MINDS 2020 to see Mark Manson LIVE!

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