Time is constantly challenging. Information war in the pursuit of consumer attention in all communication channels is now more intense than ever putting brand new questions and tasks on advertisers and marketers’ agenda. What should brands do to communicate creatively and be effective? Which lifehacks and tools will work efficiently today and tomorrow? Most successful communications demonstrate their relevance in time. They are not being late. They are not in a hurry. They are right in time. And they win. International creative communications industry enters the time to win.
This message is delivered by one of the largest creative events on the territory of Europe – International advertising and marketing festival White Square that will open the European creative season 2020 on April 15-17 in Minsk. Information technologies certainly play an important role in this regard, and the capital of Belarus seems to be a fruitful land for bringing this idea to life being named one of the best IT startup hubs in Europe in annual State of European Tech 2019 report by the Atomico investment fund. What’s for communications industry itself, worldwide professional community, and even more so European, is familiar with Minsk as some kind of creative hub gathering brightest minds of advertising market, over 1000 entries and 700 delegates from 30 countries, with major objective to discover trends and charge with inspiration on the very start of global festival season.
Both international and local, network and independent creative agencies, design and digital studios, professionals from different countries around the globe are invited to compete for the first portion of professional recognition and earliest bench of international awards of the year with bright innovative cases, executed between January 2019 and March 2020. The call for entries is open online on official website adfest.by till March 27.
Entries can be uploaded into 7 categories of contests: Creative, Branding, Marketing, Digital, Creative Effectiveness, Media, Change for Good that will be judged by 6 groups of international jury – persons with innovative approach to advertising and creators of original ideas awarded with golds and honored with jury seats at Cannes Lions and other prestigious ad festivals around the world.
For participation in the contests contact the Directorate of the Festival – Association of Communications and Marketing Agencies of Belarus, member of EACA, via konkurs@adfest.by; for participation in business and educational program – via info@adfest.by.
On the list of White Square 2020 jurors are:
White Square 2020 prize-winners will be celebrated in the best festival traditions on April 17 and in the following months, right on the eve of the leading event of global creative industry, presented on over 30 European media. Since 2017 White Square is included in the global creativity ranking AdForum Business Creative Report.
Next to the contests, White Square includes various business and educational programs. During three whole days – April 15-17 – festival attendees will enjoy over 70 master-classes, lectures, presentations and discussion panels devoted to creative trends in communications, marketing, branding, digital, media held by stars of global ad industry. Informal and fun pastime is guaranteed at White Square all night long parties and city tours. Register! TIME TO WIN!