In December, get the BRAND MINDS Success Box as a BONUS

In December, get the BRAND MINDS Success Box as a BONUS

This Christmas take one step closer to the future you want for yourself (or for your beloved ones) and invest in education!

Buy your ticket to the BRAND MINDS 2019 Conference in December and get the BRAND MINDS Success Box as a BONUS!

The BRAND MINDS Success Box is comprised of the following 5 best-selling books (translated in Romanian):

  1. Start with Why - Simon Sinek
  2. 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
  3. 21 Lessons for 21st Century - Yuval Noah Harari
  4. Grit - Angela Duckworth
  5. Crushing it - Gary Vaynerchuk


Start with Why - Simon Sinek for LEADERSHIP

Simon Sinek’s book Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action is the cornerstone of business books every aspiring leader and entrepreneur should read.


12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson for MINDSET

Our mindset is the most powerful tool in the world, supporting the entrepreneurs to reach their goals. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, by Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist is the perfect book to help you start 2019 with improved leadership skills.


21 Lessons for 21st Century - Yuval Noah Harari - for VISION

Yuval Noah Harari is one of world’s top bestselling author and you can see him live at BRAND MINDS 2019. He is one of the authors recommended by Bill Gates. His book 21 Lessons for 21st Century helps entrepreneurs look for answers to essential questions we should all be asking ourselves today.


Grit - Angela Duckworth - for PERSEVERANCE

What do all successful leaders and entrepreneurs have in common? Discover the answer by reading Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, by renowned neurobiologist and psychologist, Angela Duckworth.


Crushing it - Gary Vaynerchuk - for DRIVE

In 2016, Gary Vaynerchuk’s company VaynerMedia grossed $100 million in revenue. Crushing It! How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence—and How You Can, Too is Gary’s sixth book. In this book, Gary offers lessons and inspiration to help you support your goal of building a thriving business and an extraordinary personal brand.

BRAND MINDS’ core mission is to Unite the Business World by encouraging education and access to great resources of self-development and self-improvement.

That’s why this December we are supporting this healthy habit through this surprise we’ve been preparing for the past days!

Get your ticket for BRAND MINDS 2019 here and enjoy the BRAND MINDS Success Box for Free!

*Campaign only available in Romania. The BRAND MINDS Success Box will be delivered as a bonus in seven working days after the payment for the ticket is received. 

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