[Weekend Watch List] E chiar bine să facem și lucruri nefolositoare

[Weekend Watch List] E chiar bine să facem și lucruri nefolositoare

Poezie. Balet. Matematica. Cautari frivole, pana la urma, daca le privim in marea schema a lucrurilor. Ca si lista asta cu care insistam sa va batem la cap in weekend. Necesare, insa, in ciuda inutilitatii lor. Este paradoxul pe care il mangaie Richard Dawkins. Inteligenta e sexy, crede biologul. De la celula ne indreptam spre spatiu si mergem la astrofizicieni. La Neil deGrasse Tyson, care face diferenta intre a gandi si a cunoaste. 

De gandit sau de cunosut, mai supunem atentiei cateva dileme: ce s-ar intampla daca s-ar strica internetul? Aici ne oprim la Quantum Computing si cum va schimba el lumea. Mai avem: oameni ocupati, somn si memoria muschilor. 


What If the Internet Stopped Working

What would you do if the Internet collapsed?


How Quantum Computing Will Change The World!

 What exactly is quantum computing? Should we be exploring its possibilities?


How it Works: Quantum Computing

Quantum computing has the potential to solve some of the world’s most complex problems. So how are quantum computers different from the traditional computers we use today?


Busy People vs. Productive People

Just because you are busy does NOT mean you are productive. This animation explains some of the major differences between busy behavior and productive behavior.


Richard Dawkins: The Importance of Doing Useless Things

From poetry and ballet to mathematics and being clever, life is laden with frivolous pursuits that hold no bearing on our ability to survive. However, Dawkins explains that the ability to perform such actions comes as a byproduct of the evolution of the human brain, perhaps because being clever is sexy.


Knowledge vs Thinking - Neil deGrasse Tyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator. He is best known for his role on the popular Netflix series "Cosmos". In this speech he describes the difference between people who only have knowledge vs. those who have the ability to "think".


Brain and sleep

 The brain eats itself when it doesn't get enough sleep. 


Neurogenesis in older brains

Older people can still grow new brain cells like young people, new study shows. 


Amazing Facts About Muscle Memory

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