[Weekend Watch List] Simona Halep și câteva explicații științifice. Despre tenis, religie și protest

[Weekend Watch List] Simona Halep și câteva explicații științifice. Despre tenis, religie și protest

 Stim ce faceti weekendul asta: intr-un fel sau altul sigur aparati democratia. Si daca asta devine complicat in teatrul absurdului Romania, exista un fel de evadare pe terenul de la Roland Garros, unde Simona Halep joaca sambata finala. Avem un documentar despre drumul ei de pana acum la acest Grand Slam si o explicatie stiintifica a loviturilor, de la Eurosport.

Si daca extazul si agonia sunt simple in sport si tin de reguli stricte, cu democratia e mai complicat. Aici regulile se schimba continuu, se pare, iar invinsii incearca sa tina pasul cu ea. Avem cateva explicatii despre arta protestului si de ce functioneaza miscarile sociale (ca o dedicatie pentru cei care au obosit) si o intoarcere istorica spre Protestul care a schimbat o generatie. De aici pana la De ce esueaza natiunile nu e decat un click. 

Tot in lista pregatita pentru acest weekend, cateva sfaturi de la batrani, cum se raspandesc religiile si poluarea cu zgomot.


Simona Halep Documentary - The Road To Roland Garros


Zoom cu Simona Halep

Forehand-ul - exemplificat de Simona Halep pentru Eurosport


The Art of Protest. | De Nichols | TEDxGatewayArch

Community collaboration in the face of injustice. Using art to voice dissent to systemic issues in our communities. The path to creating a piece of protest art destined for the Smithsonian. Through a multi-disciplinary design practice, De Andrea Nichols helps change makers nationwide address social, civic, and racial equity challenges within their communities. De serves as Director & Principal Designer of Civic Creatives, a social design organization that produces interactive events, tools, and services that foster the discovery, ideation, prototyping, and actualization of community-driven civic solutions. As an arts-based activist, Nichols organizes communities to develop creative calls-to-action for social justice issues through her leadership with the Artivists STL collective, Citizen Artists STL, and FoodSpark.


From Protest to Power: Why movements matter and how they work

Can social movements make lasting change without just fading away? A series of thought provoking presentations from young organizers and activists show us how. Hosted by the Ford Foundation and Solidaire, the talk includes talks from Leah Hunt-Hendrix, Taj James, Jackie Mahendra, Thenjiwe McHarris, Carlos Saavadra, and Tamara Shapiro.


All Power to the Imagination: Paris, May 1968: The Student Revolt

This excerpt from Stephen Talbot's PBS documentary "1968: The Year that Shaped a Generation" recalls the May '68 student-led uprisings in Paris. The famous slogan of the protesters was "All Power to the Imagination." The revolt against the antiquated French educational system turned into a general youth rebellion, joined by workers in a number of factories, that rocked Paris and nearly toppled the French government. This excerpt includes commentary from author/activist Barbara Ehrenreich and novelist/diplomat Carlos Fuentes, who took part in the uprising as a young man then living in Paris.


Why nations fail | James Robinson | TEDxAcademy

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why do some states enjoy wealth, security, health and nutrition while others face poverty, unemployment, lack of health care and safety? James Robinson is a political scientist and economist. Professor Robinson teaches Economics, History and Government at Harvard University. His main research interests lie in the study of the economies of developing countries.


Is an Ice Age Coming? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

 Is winter coming? Find out in this episode of Space Time.


 Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

We asked three centenarians what their most valuable life lessons were, and also their regrets. The conversations that followed were remarkable. They talked about the importance of family, people, relationships and love. Their view on life, as an elderly citizen with a lot of experience is truly an inspiration and motivation.


Animated map shows how religion spread around the world

Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are five of the biggest religions in the world. Over the last few thousand years, these religious groups have shaped the course of history and had a profound influence on the trajectory of the human race. Through countless conflicts, conquests, missions abroad, and simple word of mouth, these religions spread around the globe and forever molded the huge geographic regions in their paths.


10 Letters We Dropped From The Alphabet

 Think you know the English language? Here are 10 letters folks used to use, but didn't quite stand the test of time.


How audiobooks are recorded

To investigate how audiobooks are made, we sat down with a professional audiobook narrator, Suzy Jackson, to break down her work. And to make the audiobook recording process even more apparent, Vox's Phil Edwards wrote one for her. According to Suzy Jackson, the hardest part of recording an audiobook isn't acting as different characters, it's the long hours. And random esophageal noises.


How noise pollution is ruining your hearing

Our ears are exposed to dangerous levels of noise every single day.

Health organizations warn that continual exposure to noise levels above 70 decibels can potentially damage your ears. And yet we are routinely exposed to noise much louder than that in everyday situations.

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