Uau, Apple descaleca pe Instagram

Uau, Apple descaleca pe Instagram

Dupa ce a mentinut o pozitie "ambivalenta" fata de social media, dupa cum scrie AdWeek, Apple si-a deschis cont pe Instagram. Compania are cont si pe Twitter si pe Facebook, dar sunt goale. Pe Instagram, insa, compania a postat deja de 9  ori si are 351.000 de followers. Postarile continua campania "Shot on iPhone" cu fotografii facute de consumatori si selectate de companie, pentru a fi promovate.

Apple, un brand cu "voce controlata", s-a tinut mult timp departe de social media, unde spontaneitatea si conexiunile oneste conteaza cel mai mult, scriu cei de la AdWeek. Iar folosirea retelelor sociale pentru a prelungi o companie e extrem de conservatoare, adauga acestia: e felul in care marketerii foloseau social media chiar la inceput.

Contul Apple pe Instagram arata cam asa:


#ShotoniPhone by… - 1. Maurice H. @bloomandplume “If people like photos of flowers and people like photos of me, why not just put the two together?” - 2. RJ P. @rockadeezy “The landing is the hard part. If I really want to be horizontal I land on all fours. Like a cat. But if the ground’s too hot, or it’s hard terrain I’ll land on my feet.” - 3. Jeryl T. @j9ryl “Just because I’m colorblind doesn’t make photography a guessing game. There’s always a direction I want to go. A mood I want to create.” - 4. Britainy W. @lanadeathray “Owls are kinda like the ninjas of the bird world. Like, that mouse never saw it coming.” - 5. Koci H. @koci “I can walk outside, tap a piece of glass, and suddenly I’ve captured something. With another tap, I can share it with the entire world. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.”

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#ShotoniPhone by… - 1. Shawn T. @_xst "I love it when people find out that they’re in a photo because the reaction is so beautiful. They’re like, 'Oh my God! How did you get this and when was it shot? I didn’t even see you!'” - 2. Laura I. @lauraiz “The person in all of these photos is my daughter. She is my first kid. Every little cliche about love is what I feel about Joey.” - 3. Percy O.A. @fotombo “My poetry and my photography go hand-in-hand.” - 4. Danilo L. @danilo “I’m attracted to everything experimental.” - 5. Laura Z. @laurazazanis “I had to tell my neighbors what I was doing, because now that I do this all the time, they’re gonna think that I’ve lost my mind, dropping all these crazy things into the pool everyday.”

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