[Case Study] Mercury360 - The Art of Speech / TEDxBucharest / TEDxBucharest

[Case Study] Mercury360 - The Art of Speech / TEDxBucharest / TEDxBucharest

TEDx or the meeting place of inspired thinkers, who come to spread ideas. It is a well-known event across the world, but in Romania TEDx event has a limited awareness. The communication objective was to raise awareness about an upcoming event held by TEDx Bucharest.


Campaign Summary

The idea? To attract people to the event depicting them the beauty of a speech. And showing it, literally. For the first time, TEDx used technology to shape speeches into real works of art. Using the latest Kinect technology, we developed an application that creates real time action paintings, by tracking moves and gestures during speeches.



The event attracted hundreds of attenders and the tickets for the event were sold out in just one week. The campaign has generated a huge buzz in social media and traditional media, increasing the TEDx Bucharest awareness.




Case Study


Project title: The Art of Speech
Brand: TEDxBucharest
Client: TEDxBucharest



Agentie: Mercury360

Liviu Turcanu / Creative Director
Mihaela Coman / Copywriter
Ionut Rusu / Art Director
Denisa Boeru / Account Manager
Georgiana Floroiu / Account Executive

Casa de productie: MindTreat

Andrei Pana / Developer
Andrei Stanescu / Developer
Costin Dragomir / Developer

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Cu o istorie de peste 25 de ani in Romania si, in continuare independenti, full-service, suntem una dintre putinele agentii care au capabilitatile necesare pentru a deveni partener pe intreaga durata a unei campanii,... vezi detalii »


