[Case Study] Publicis - Orange App "Metroul Orange 4G" / Orange / Orange Romania

[Case Study] Publicis - Orange App "Metroul Orange 4G" / Orange / Orange Romania

Orange was offering top-notch 4G quality in the subway that contrasted with everything people expected to experience underground in terms of signal. Traditionally, despite the constant technical improvements the perception regarding the phone signal in the tunnel was low and when it came to data speed the perception was even worse. It was mandatory for our target to experience it first in order to trust us with their data.


Campaign Summary

We decided not to focus on "internet speed", but what people can do with it. We engaged "captive" consumers waiting for the subway and offered them entertainment through this application: "4G Entertainment Subway". We turned the Bucharest Underground into a 4G experiential zone by giving each of the 4 lines of subway a 4G utility: "the music line", "the movie line", "the gaming line" and "the reading line". Each underground line would unlock one of these categories of content.

Orange was offering top-notch 4G quality in the subway that contrasted with everything people expected to experience underground in terms of signal. Traditionally, despite the constant technical improvements the perception regarding the phone signal in the tunnel was low and, when it came to data speed, the perception was even worse. It was mandatory for our target to experience it first in order to trust us with their data.

We decided not to focus on "internet speed", but on what people can do with it. We engaged "captive" consumers waiting for the subway and offered them entertainment through this application: "4G Entertainment Subway". We turned the Bucharest Underground into a 4G experiential zone by giving each of the 4 subway lines a 4G utility: "the music line", "the movie line", "the gaming line" and "the reading line". Each underground line would unlock one of these categories of content.

The appetite for 4G was huge and when unlocked, it generated 157 days of non-stop 4G traffic if we were to put together the entire content watched by our users. People spent thousands of hours watching movies, listening to music, playing games or reading books. 20% 4G data usage increase in the months of the campaign. 4G Entertainment Subway ran from November 2014 to January 2015.



The appetite for 4G was huge and when unlocked, it generated 157mdays of non-stop 4G traffic if we were to put together the entire contentmwatched by our users. People spent thousands of hours watching movies,mlistening to music, playing games or reading books. 20% 4G data usage increase in the months of the campaign.


Case Study


Project title: Orange App "Metroul 4G"
Brand: Orange
Client: Orange Romania



Agentie: Publicis 

Jorg Riommi / Chief Creative Officer
Raluca Iacob / Head of Strategy
Silviu Nedelschi / Group Creative Director
Cezar Panait / Senior Copywriter
Cristian Anton / Senior Art Director
Daniel Raicea / Head of Orange Division
Alina Vija / Account Manager
Mirela Bosoi / Orange Communication Team
Crina Tenovici / Orange Communication Team

Casa de productie: MindTreat

Diana Dragomir / Diana Dragomir
Costin Dragomir / Designer
Horia Cucuta / Graphic Designer
Valentin Stancu / Programmer

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