[Case Study] Kubis Interactive - Grolsch - The Youtube Synthesizer / Grolsch / Ursus Breweries

[Case Study] Kubis Interactive - Grolsch - The Youtube Synthesizer / Grolsch / Ursus Breweries

Grolsch is the beer that's all about creativity. We constantly strive to show people that applied creativity enhances everything, from the small to the big. We actively push people to test their creative boundaries. We have a very popular YouTube channel, and we wanted to surprise our fans, to show them that even here, in this context, we can use creativity to challenge all conventions.


Campaign Summary

So we created a video that's not a video - it's a musical instrument. The catch is - we did this only through creativity - no programming involved, no special deals with YouTube, nothing. Pure and simple creativity.

We used a less known function of YouTube, the "jump to" function and some very, very, very clever editing to transform the banal YouTube video into a digital synthesizer on which everyone can play music just by pressing the keys from 1 to 0.


Target Audience

Young, hip, urban creators. You'd call them Milllennials in the US.



Tens of thousands of views on YouTube. National and international coverage for the campaign (Brand Republic, Coolhunter, fubiz, etc).


Case Study


Project title: Grolsch - The Youtube Synthesizer
Brand: Grolsch
Client: Ursus Breweries



Agentie: Kubis Interactive

Eugen Suman / Creative Director
Vlad Tataru / Copywriter
Tiberius Simion / Art Director
Cristina Schitco / Account Director
Stefania Bercu / Account Manager
Florin Ivan / Head of AV
Marian Ciungu / AV Producer
Ionut Avadanei / AV Producer
Andrei Bilan / Head of Design

Casa de productie: Kubis AV

Florin Ivan / Head of AV

Agentie de media: Media Investment

Veronica Postelnicu / Senior Media Manager
Catalina Chiriacescu / Head of Digital
Roxana Padure / Media Executive

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KUBIS is a creative agency led by curiosity. Vigilant and open-minded, we feed our minds with science and our hearts with fiction. We like to go bold, we want to go big, and we like to go first. Our ideas are... vezi detalii »



