[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - MullenLowe Profero - My Heartbeats / Orange / Orange Romania

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - MullenLowe Profero - My Heartbeats / Orange / Orange Romania

Every Valentine's Day is an opportunity for all the brands to get closer to the consumer's hearts. This year, Orange wanted to create a very special campaign to reinforce its position as an innovative and close-to-your-heart brand.

The brief: Create a Valentine's Day campaign that speaks about love in a manner that no brand has ever spoken.

Objectives: Engage consumers in an unconventional way and prove that Orange actually "is all about what matters to you"

Strategy: Our strategic objective was to release a national sales offer campaign for Valentine's Day, in the most memorable and effective way.

We followed the insight that our target (youngsters, 18-35, urban) is hard to impress on Valentine's Day due to the huge amount of information on the topic they see everywhere. So we've decided to create for them the most authentic and personal experience, an original brand mobile app that helps lovers connect their hearts. For simply doing that, they were rewarded with our offer, free Mb of Internet.

In a period when mobile applications tend to lose their impact, we've put our strategical bets on innovation and technology, creating the mobile app My Heartbeats (send your heart rate to your lover) and amplify its communication with the special edition My Heartbeats print (have a taste of how the mobile app works) and a special in store display project.


Campaign Summary

On Valentine's Day "love" becomes the most common word. We say it, we text it, we use it and we abuse it. What if we can replace emoticons with emotions, words with feelings and all those little heart shapes with real HEARTBEATS?

Creative idea: The most personal declaration of love is the sound of your very own heart.

Execution: We created My Heartbeats - the first smartphone application that allows you to send the sound of your heart to the person you love. And we built our Valentine's Day campaign around this catchy and lovable application.

Once you installed My Heartbeats, all you had to do was to place your finger on the Smartphone's camera; the app detected your accurate heart rate and transformed it into a 10 seconds recording of your heart. Play it, listen to it and than send it to that special person in your life so he can hear the sound of your heart.

In order to encourage the customers to use the app, the first three sounds sent or
received were awarded by Orange with 10 times more Mb of internet than their actual heart rate recorded in the application.

My Heartbeats campaign was launched without the TV support, but only with posters, interactive outdoors, web banners, social media and a special print ad where people could test the mechanics of the upcoming mobile app by pushing two buttons that recorded their real heart rate at the moment.


Target Audience

Youngsters, 18-35, urban, enthusiastic mobile users, eager to experience and share information about themselves and be involved in social activations.



Although we didn't have the TV support, the campaign became a hit "over night". In just a few days from the launch, My Heartbeats app reached the 1st place in Top Free Downloads both on Google Play and AppStore overtaking much more popular apps like Facebook, WhatsApp and Messenger.

583 000 App downloads 1st place in Top Free Downloads on Google Play and App Store -- for three weeks in a row. About 5 000 000 heartbeats sent and received. Almost 3 000 000 Gb of internet sent and received by Orange users during the entire campaign.



Case Study



Project title: My Heartbeats
Brand: Orange
Client: Orange Romania



Agentie: MullenLowe Profero

Vasile Alboiu / Chief Creative Officer
Alin Marghidanu / Group Creative Director
Miruna Dumitrescu / Copywriter
Anca Masek / Art Director
Valentin Nenu / Account Director
Ana-Maria Ghiurca / Client Service Director
Oana Mailat / Account Manager

Casa de productie: Senior Programming

Alexandru Hertog / Project Manager
Ionut Ciubotariu / Director of Operations
Alexandru Popa / PHP/HTML Develope
Stefan Zibilianu / PHP/HTML Developer Team Leader
Valentin Nicusor / Software/Mobile Developer
Teo Onicel / Software/Mobile Developer Team Leader

Agentie de media: Initiative Media

Alina Gruianu / Account Director & Head of Unit
Andreea Chiorean / Digital Media Planner

Agentie contributoare: Orange Romania

Crina Tenovici / Head of Data and B2B Customers
Flavia Cozma / Online Communication Specialist
Mirela Bosoi / Head of Brand and Communication


Shortlist Premiile FIBRA #1:

Shortlist FIBRA - My Heartbeats / 7.1 MEDIA - Creative Use of Media

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