[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - Rusu+Bortun - The Philanthropists / Primus / Patru Maini

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - Rusu+Bortun - The Philanthropists / Primus / Patru Maini

Patru Maini is a construction materials manufacturer, with a social mission: helping children in the entire country learn or get medical treatment in proper conditions. For that, 1 RON from each sold pack of Primus is redirected to a local fund, for the renovation of schools and kindergartens in the communities where the products were bought.

However, in order to do that, Patru Maini and Primus invest less in traditional media, to be able to help even more. Consequently, the annual renovation campaign has never had a dedicated classic communication campaign, but based its results on the power of word of mouth. Until this year.


Campaign Summary


Transform the annual social renovation campaign from a small, localized act, into a national campaign on the public agenda


The company’s mantra and slogan is Help in order to enjoy help, but when people hear about helping, they instantly think about having to donate their own money. This sounds a lot like philanthropy, which is generally regarded as a privilege of the rich.


Anyone who chooses to use Primus construction materials as part of the annual social renovation campaign is actually contributing to the cause. So, we simply had to make people understand that they too can help, without having millions in their account. Anyone can be a philanthropist just by renovating with the kind product that is Primus.


We aimed to glorify the craftsmen who help by choosing Primus products, by actually making them feel like veritable philanthropists. Perhaps they don’t have the wealth of an aristocrat, but they deserved feeling like one for their significant product choice that ultimately helps the community.


In order to democratize the philanthropy idea, we recreated two of the paintings of 18th-century artist Pompeo Batoni, replacing the rich aristocrats in outstanding postures, wearing their lavish outfits, with today’s craftsmen at work. The messages completed the visual idea: You don’t have to be the Doge of Venice or an Austrian Archduke in order to help.


Target Audience

Primarily, there were the construction workers who normally choose the renovating products. But, as professionals, they would not change their preferred product easily for one that has a social mission (encountering the "what if it's not good enough" barrier).

So, the secondary target comes in, equally as important: the beneficiaries of construction works. Often, they are the ones who actually go shopping for the materials, with a list from their construction worker. And, when they learn in store about the social brand, they forget about the shopping list and choose Primus, so they can be of help.



The campaign is ongoing, raising money for communities all over the country.




Project title: The Philanthropists
Brand: Primus
Client: Patru Maini



Agentie: Rusu+Bortun

Catalin Rusu / Creative Director & Managing Partner
Mihaela Neatu / Group Creative Director & Sr Copywriter
Raluca Turcanasu / Brand Growing Manager
Marc Bortun / Sr Art Director
Laurentiu Lupu / Graphic Design
Andreea Timpea / Brand Designer
Adriana Lungu / Executive Director
Ioan Maxim / Digital Copywriter
Catalina Ion / PR Consultant
Luiza Olaru / Project Manager
Anca Uscatescu / DTP

Casa de productie: Carioca Studio

Dragos Traistaru / Director of Photography
Marius Erhan / Head of Production
Iulia Dancila / Production Coordinator


Shortlist Premiile FIBRA #1:

Shortlist FIBRA - The Philanthropists / 3.1 PRINT - Press

Shortlist FIBRA - The Philanthropists / 4.1 CRAFT - Best Art Direction

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