[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - McCann - Digital wallpaper / Vodafone / Vodafone Romania

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - McCann - Digital wallpaper / Vodafone / Vodafone Romania

The Digital Library Wallpaper is an interactive wallpaper that people could customize on-line, by picking books and decorations and then order it at home as a real object. Once home, the wallpaper is installed like any other regular wallpaper. The difference is that this particular wallpaper is the first to combine functionality with aesthetics, becoming the next cool object people would want in their house.

The Digital Wallpaper instantly got the attention of local interior designers who started using it in their projects and became a popular product among students who used it to save space in their small rooms.



Case Study


Project title: Digital wallpapers
Brand: Vodafone 
Client: Vodafone Romania



Agentie: McCann Romania

Adrian Botan / Global Creative Director
Catalin Dobre / Executive Creative Director
Ioana Filip / Executive Creative Director
Andreea Spilca / Account Manager


Shortlist Premiile FIBRA #1:

Shortlist FIBRA - Digital wallpapers / 12 PRODUCT DESIGN

Shortlist FIBRA - Digital wallpapers / 3.2 PRINT - Indoor & In-store

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