[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - Inspirational Filmmaking - Provocare la Fericire / LifeCare / LifeCare

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Shortlist FIBRA - Inspirational Filmmaking - Provocare la Fericire / LifeCare / LifeCare

Campaign Summary

LifeCare asked us to produce an inspirational viral, as we are targeted on this kind of productions. But surprisingly, they asked me, Tedy Necula, to act also as their endorser for this campaign, being known as the only disabled film director in Romania. "Happiness Challenge" shows that there is no obstacle in your way to happiness. My team created a script showing one daily route in my life. With ups and downs. Real downs... In the and we have chosen to surprise! So after all moments in the daily activity, Tedy arrives at the airplane driving school where he gets some lessons up in the sky.

The message is both inspirational and real, as we had the balls to show a real day with real challenges lived by me, a real both disabled and inspirational man. Execution took three days of shooting in Bucharest and near Brasov. The strategy was to viralize the campaign to nearly 3M viewers in the first 6 months campaigns. Yet, after one month, we have 600k views on Facebook and Youtube, also near 3k shares, without investing yet in advertising campaigns.


Target Audience

22-40, both students and persons interested in healthy or care products



The conversion views/clicks to website is above 40% with a 25% rate in campaign engagement.




Project title: Provocare la Fericire
Brand: LifeCare
Client: LifeCare



Agentie: Inspirational Filmmaking

Tedy Necula / Copy/Producer/Director
Alexandra Axinte / Co-Copy
Sorin Gociu / DoP


Shortlist Premiile FIBRA #1:

Shortlist FIBRA - Provocare la Fericire / 1.3 VIDEO - Viral

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