[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - MullenLowe Profero - Take Leutu for a walk / ING Card Complet / ING Bank

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - MullenLowe Profero - Take Leutu for a walk / ING Card Complet / ING Bank

Salary accounts carry value and loyalty, which translate into the most coveted customers for the financial sector.The competition is fierce, as most banks create special offers and preferential conditions to attract clients who bring their salaries. The consumer behaviour regarding salary accounts is also problematic. People don’t know that small amounts of money are pinched out of their salaries through fees and commissions. Once they become aware, they start actively trying to avoid additional fees to protect their salaries from these pests.

Also, the switching potential is low: many clients have a low desire to change their salary bank and in many cases the employer still holds veto power in this matter. We had to shake things up a little bit, to counterattack this peaceful compliance. ING’s salary account offer is quite competitive but isn’t necessarily perceived as such. We set up to nudge them in the right direction by planting an idea in their minds: you should retake control over what happens to your salary.

People needed to be reminded that it’s their money, so it’s ultimately their decision to keep it where it’s best taken care of. They needed to take matters in their own hands, quite literally. We were also excited by the opportunity to build an OOH activation with trackable results and interactions. We usually lack such metrics for BTL activations so we were glad to explore a creative idea with a practical side: it was a first for ING to mix digital and BTL.


Campaign Summary

ING Bank’s fresh, innovative and client-centric spirit has always been a point of differentiation in the banking industry. Thanks to our digital model, the clients we attract are more empowered, but also more demanding. This honours us and obliges us to permanently innovate. With each brief comes a new challenge to maintain a friendly approach when talking about serious issues like money, loans and budgets.

The creative concept chosen for this campaign supported the insight that people should be more aware of fees, so we turned the salary into a lovable character – a dog named Leutu. People are more inclined to care for a pet, so our headline read “Salary – man’s best friend. ING – salary’s best friend”.

We took this campaign and ran with it, but after all the TVCs, OOHs, landing pages, social media projects, banners, etc. were up and running, we wanted to go the extra mile. So we chose a traditional medium – the bus stop shelter – and turned it into a digital experience for people who were bored and frustrated while waiting for the bus.

We picked a stop next to an ING Office and transformed it into an ambassador for our offer. People could pull a real (but special!) leash that would wake up Leutu from his idle shenanigans and would make him walk towards ING. When they’d get there, we’d show a message saying that salaries love ING, because they feel at home where no fees and other pests bother them.

Technology helped us make this experience immersive: we used a giant screen to create the illusion of a transparent bus shelter and force-feedback to recreate the sense of a dog pulling the leash. Our target is digitally-oriented, so we wanted to catch their eye using a special project, to win them over through our mutual passion for innovation and technology.

Our main takeaway: you can retake control of what happens with your salary. It was a perfect communication opportunity to deliver our message: the leash is an ideal symbol for control and the gameplay & mechanics supported the idea that the player has all the power – over Leutu and, ultimately, over their own money.

In the end, all we wanted was to deliver on ING Bank’s core promise to empower people and to put them in charge of their financial and life decisions.


Target Audience

ING has a DIY and digital heritage, so our target is equally demanding: more digitally-oriented, more affluent, more self-dependent. They’re digitally active, but they don’t necessarily have an intrinsic interest in technology, rather they enjoy its utility and are interested in social trends. They are eager to manage their own money once they get the hang of it.

So we were looking for non-ING clients that fit all of the above, plus:
• 18+ y.o. (core 26-60 y.o)
• Urban (>50 k inhabitants)
• Medium-high income
• Medium-high education



Nobody can resist a friendly dog made out money that wags its tail, barks “bani-bani” and asks you to go for a walk with him, so the results came pouring like kibble in a dog bowl:
• Over 5,800 people took Leutu for walk in less than 4 weeks
• 11,600 minutes of special activation
• 7 hours of Leutu being walked everyday (between 23:00 and 6:00 he was fast asleep)
• Bloggers articles echoed in social media, e.g.




Case Study


Project title: Take Leutu for a walk 
Brand: ING Card Complet
Client: ING Bank



Agentie: MullenLowe Profero

Vasile Alboiu / Chief Creative Officer
Christiana Zodila / Copywriter
Vlad Hurjui / Senior Art Director
Vlad Emandi / Motion Graphic Designer
Ana - Maria Ghiurca / Client Service Director
Valentin Nenu / Account Director
Marina Badoi / Account Manager
Catalin Ungureanu / Project Manager
Camelia Dobre / Junior Account Executive

Casa de productie: Euromedia

Horatiu Girbea / Sales Director

Agentie de media: Zenith Romania

George Floricel / Out of Home Manager


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Take Leutu for a walk / 8.2 OUTDOOR - Special Projects

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Profero Bucuresti

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