[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Kubis Interactive - Dove - Real Beauty is You / Dove / Unilever

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Kubis Interactive - Dove - Real Beauty is You / Dove / Unilever

Dove has always celebrated real women. Everything we do, everything we show, everything we believe, begins and ends with real women. They aren't just our consumers. They are our heritage, our inspiration, our collaborators, and our supporters. We do it this way because we know that every woman has the potential to be her most beautiful self. And with Dove's care, she will be.

In a world in which women are often held back by low self-esteem and anxiety about their looks, Dove's Mission is to encourage women to develop a positive relationship with beauty, helping to raise their self-esteem and thereby enabling them to realize their full potential.The majority of Romanian women consider that beauty is more about the way they look, not about their feeling or personality.


Campaign Summary

Based on the insight that Romanian women are considered beautiful, but they do not acknowledge this, we developed an activation that aimed to increase Romanian women their self-esteem.

In order to support the brand's promise in 2015 we developed Faceook app. on International Women's Day in partnership with webdex.ro in order to encourage women to change their perspective towards the definition of beauty. This partnership was meant to change the Romanians mindset regarding "beauty".

Our main objective was to change the Romanian women the mindset regarding the definition of "beauty" and encourage them to trust themselves and develop a positive relationship with beauty. Through the "Real Beauty is You" app, Dove encourages women to embrace positive thinking in everything they do and rediscover the true meaning of "beauty".

The users were invited to enter the app. and select from their Facebook friends person they think are the definition of beauty. After selecting a friend a Facebook crawler borrowed the profile picture of that person and displayed it on webdex.ro, one of the biggest online dictionaries, next to the definition of "Beautiful" and other words from the same semantic field (beauty, nice, pretty, kind, adorable etc.).

When users searched the word "beauty" or other words from the same semantic field on webdex.ro, they could see the pictures of everybody who were deemed beautiful.


Target Audience

Women, 18 - 49 YO.

She has an optimistic approach to beauty. She believes beauty is not only about how you look but how you feel. Her beauty mantra is "staying real". She is looking for reassurance. She is inspired and highly engaged to Dove because the brand embraces the values she believes in and is seen just as trusted as her. She finds a real voice in the brand. By using the brand she gets the reassurance she needs to feel confident.



Close to 10.000 users entered the app and deem their friends as beautiful.

More than 10.000.000 impressions.


Case Study


Project title: Dove - Real Beauty is You
Brand: Dove
Client: Unilever



Agentie: Kubis Interactive

Eugen Suman / Creative Director
Laura Ionescu / Senior Copywriter
Marius Goleanu / Art Director
Talida Cristea / Group Account Director
Madalina Mezdrea / Account Manager
Sebastian Popa / Developer
Tudor Sava / Developer
Andrei Bilan / Head of Design
Andreea Gavrila / Copywriter

Agentie de media: Mindshare

Maria Bucur / Account Director


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Dove - Real Beauty is You / 7.1 MEDIA - Creative Use of Media

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